She’s a brick house!

Did another brick today!  Did a bike ride and then a run.

I ate 1/2 of this bar before the bike (review on effectiveness in a bit):


Then did a 9 mile bike loop.  Not super fast, as it was early!  I even remembered to downshift to a low gear for about 1/2 a mile to prep for the run.  Came back to the house and had the other half of the Power Bar, took a 5 minute rest and then headed out for a 5K.  My legs felt like lead. Ugh!  I was not sure if I would be able to run the whole 5K.  It took 2 miles before I knew I would be able to do the whole 3 miles – I finally got a groove going.  I was slower, as this run took me 38 minutes to finish, which added around 7-8 minutes to my usual pace.  I’m actually pretty happy with that!

Regarding the Power Bar.  This has 250 calories, which fueled me pretty well. However, there were 2 things I didn’t like about it.  1 – it was very chewy and full of oats and raisins, which would normally be good, but I was so tired from chewing it after the bike ride that my jaw got tired. LOL!  The 2nd problem was the oats.  They left a lot of ,shall I say, residual bits in my mouth which was really distracting while I was jogging.  So I am nixing this as an option.

Best meal today!  I am christening these Elvis Oats!


In the mix:

1 mashed really ripe banana

12 grams of PB2

40 gram of oats

topped with some pine nuts to make up for the fat missing from the peanut butter.   My mom gave me the idea to actually add the PB2 right to the cooking pot with the oats.  What a great idea!  This was soooo yummy.  I burned my mouth because I couldn’t wait to dig in.

Tomorrow is an easier workout day.  And probably a bagel for breakfast!!

10 thoughts on “She’s a brick house!

  1. Lori Post author

    Well, I don’t have a fancy bike. I just have a 10 speed Schwinn that was converted to a road bike. I got it used a few years ago, and I fell in love with it because the size was just perfect for me. There is a picture of me with it that rotates through the header at the top of this site.

    I wish I could afford a spiffy new bike, but I do love the one I have now.

  2. Pingback: Twitted by homeflip

  3. Susan

    Wooo!! Awesome brick!!! I’m scared to do running bricks because, well, I can’t really run because of my hip injury. I’m just hoping that I get efficient enough at swimming and biking I’ll somehow find a way to run 3 miles after! 😛

    Thanks for the bar review too, I have no idea what I’m going to use as fuel yet during the tri. It would be nice to sneak some coconut water in there, but I’ll need something somewhat solid too…

  4. Diane, fit to the finish

    You are amazing! I found your blog through Lynnsweigh. I too lost over 100 pounds (150 to be exact) twelve years ago and have kept it off. I’ve never done the kind of training you are doing, but I do bike, swim and run for fun. It’s amazing how much better I feel now! You look great!

  5. Lori

    Diane – 150 pounds! That is amazing!

    Ron – I don’t know what the pure protein bars are? I do like Balance Bars, because they go down easy, especially the chocolate chip cookie dough one!

  6. Lynn Haraldson-Bering

    OK, so at first I thought the pine nuts were black eyed peas! LOL When I saw “Elvis,” I thought “southern,” thus the BEP 🙂 Anywhoo…so are you cooking the 40 grams of oats AND the pb2 together and THEN adding the banana or are you dumping it all in at the same time?

    And now I have that song going through my house. Just once I’d like to be 36-24-36 just to feel what it feels like 😉

  7. Lori Post author

    Lynn – I mash the banana up and add it to the water before it boils. Then once that is boiling, I add the oats and the PB2 and cook. This way the oats absorb both the banana and the PB flavor and get yummy! I don’t think Elvis liked pine nuts, but you never know.

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