Rainy day today, and I thought the Y would be packed, but it was really empty, including the pool. That meant I had a lane all to myself so I could swim slow and drift around all I wanted LOL! I did a swim/bike brick today.
Swim: 750 yards (sounds better than 30 laps!)
Bike: 45 minutes at 13.5 mph.
Felt pretty good, although the stationary bike is so much more different than my road bike. Since I am a shorty, I sit very upright on the stationary bike because the seat has to be low enough to reach the pedals. On my bike, which is made for shorter people, I lean slightly forward and can actually bend right over the handle bars to reduce drag if I want. Oh, and the irritating thing on the stationary today? I haven’t used the bike since my birthday last week, and I had to remember to input 41 as my age instead of 40!
I’m definitely ready for the triatholon. I will work some on speed this week and a couple more bricks. I need to remember to start tapering in a few weeks. The triatholon is about a month away now! Eeeek! I am excited and scared at the same time.
Not sure if the workout today was extra tiring (didn’t seem to be), but I actually had to lay down and nap for a while this afternoon. I could not keep my eyes open while I was working, so I had to take a break.
Best meal pic of the day included a food that MizFit was talking about today: Strawberries!
This delicious mixture is Fage greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey, chopped strawberries, and Kashi GoLean cereal. Packed full of calcium, fiber and protein. Love it!
I eat about 2 pounds of strawberries a week, and the flavor of this week’s boxes are soooo good! I can’t decide if my favorite berry is strawberry or blueberry.
Question: What is your favorite berry?
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Oooh, I don’t think I could ever decide! I love all berries! Except, cranberries.. blech!
But raspberry and blackberry are pretty high on my list!
Yay for feeling ready for the tri! Please send some of that my way
I was hoping to do my first brick this week, but I want to actually do it on my bike and it’s supposed to rain 
That’s a tough question. I think I’d have to say strawberries. Especially the small local ones we get in the summer (the giant California ones still kind of scare me!)
Hmmmm….I love strawberries, blueberries, AND raspberries!! I’d say my favorite is all three together!
Sounds like your really getting ready for the triathalon – I’m very jealous of your ability to do this!!! Congrats on such a great workout!
Starberries and raspberries are both A+ in my book! I am a berry fanatic.
Great workout! I wish my gym had a better pool so I could start swimming. I do love the stat bike though!
Strawberries, I too, eat about two pounds a week!
I like that confidence! You are going to be awesome in your tri!
I think I like cranberries and raspberries best.
Raspberries are my favorite and strawberries are second. I love picking fresh blackberries when they are in season … yum.