I work Sun – Thurs, so tonight starts my weekend! I am really glad it’s here. I need another vacation, as if New Orleans wasn’t enough in January. We are seriously thinking of getting a condo down there for winters. I work remotely, and John does as well, so except for our business, we could do it. $$$ is really the issue, though LOL!
Monday starts New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am really looking forward to it.
So do any of you eat pomegranates? Watching Good Eats, and the show is about pomegranates. I have only eaten the seeds out of hand, never in anything or cooked with them. Tasty buggers! The seeds are actually called arils, but I just say seeds
I was thinking back to April of last year, and I had started the Couch to 5K program, who would have thought that a year later I would be training for a triathlon! Anything is possible!
I was watching Good Eats also. My mother loved pomegranates. They were ok. I never tried them on any other food. Way to go on training for a triathlon.
Never tried pomegranates but I have heard good things about the benefits of them.
I am doing a triathlon on May 9th. I am not ready for the swimming or biking portion. I do run a bit but not enough.
How is your training going?
I tried pomegranates for the first time last winter and loved them! I think they are out of season now, but I will definitely be buying them again.
A condo someplace warm sounds great right about now!
I know you are a soapmaker (like me) is that your business or is it a hobby?
I may be more excited about monday than you are
Isn’t that something–looking at your progress in a year!
New Orleans seems like a dangerous place to live (food-wise!)
New Orleans is nice…. But I would have to pic Hawaii LOL Talk about $$$
I like pomegranates, but I’m not a huge fan of the seeds. Although, now I want to see that Good Eats episode!!
I was thinking about C25K yesterday actually while I was running. I was thinking how amazing it is that I can run 40 minutes with ease now, when only last summer I was struggling with 5!!
I’ve eaten pom seeds but didn’t know the pulp/fruit part could be eaten. Interesting! Wait.. did I read that right? Vee at http://www.veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com