It’s Giveaway time!!
Country Bob’s generously provided me with 2 bottles of Original All Purpose sauce to review.
I tried the sauce both cooked and as a dipping sauce. As a dip, the sauce is similar to A-1, although a little thinner consistency. It has a nice mix of sweet and sour notes, and almost a Worcestershire sauce flavor to it. I also used it as a sauce to cook with, and I think where the sauce shines the most. It cooked down into a sweet, thick sauce – really like a barbeque sauce. It makes me wonder what their BBQ sauce tastes like!
The ingredients are pretty good: Tomato concentrate, vinegar, corn syrup, sugar, molasses, salt, onion powder, caramel color, garlic powder, tamarind, corn starch, natural flavors and other spices. Side note – I was surprised to see tamarind in there. This is commonly used in Indian cooking, and is a sour fruit. Sauce is 25 calories per tablespoon – so not bad at at all!
I give this a thumb’s up I believe that this product is available in Wal-Mart, so check it out!
Contest Details:
So, the company has generously offered 2 winners to receive 2 bottles each! You have 2 chances to enter. One is to leave a comment on this blog stating how you would use Country Bob’s sauces. The other is to leave a comment on my food blog regarding this same contest. Bonus entry for you if you leave a separate comment where you have a link to this contest (which I will check ).
Winners will be drawn by a random number generator on Thursday Feb 12th! Entries must be in by 8 am EST on the 12th. I will choose one winner from each blog comment section.
Have at it!
Ooh! I’ve been wanting to try out some bbq sauce for a while now! I think the first thing I would do with it is bake chicken breast in the sauce, then make a wrap with the bbq chicken, cheese, sweet potato and veggies. Yummm…
This may sound weird, but I’d try it in meatloaf, instead of the usual ketchup that I mix in. Of course, I haven’t made meatloaf in a long time, but if I win I will make some (and make my husband happy!).
Lori, thanks for the comments on my web-anyway I surfed over to your web-CONGRATULATIONS-you have great willpower to post this on the web-good job-you look great. I will think of some healthy treats with you in mind. xo E.
I’d have to try it on ribs. My husband is a HUGE fan of ribs but I’m not- I just like to lick the sauce off. If I made that I could make him happy without ruining my diet.
Lori, first thanks for so much for having this contest. I have been wanting to try this sauce for awhile and have heard nothing but good things about it.
As I am the grilling person I would use this sauce on everyhing from Ribeye Steaks to Chicken Breast to Pork Lion to Turkey Breast (which by the way is awesome on the grill)to Corn to grilled mix veggies. I hope I win because I can’t wait to use it.
Good luck on your contest I know it is your first one.
Thanks for having this contest, and congratulations on your progress – your success is very inspiring.
I’d use the sauce to make chicken breast in the crockpot.
I’m a simple Texan gal – I’d throw this sauce all over some ribs and grill ’em up, baby! Thanks for the opp to participate in your giveaway. I’m giddy with excitement!
I would throw a pork tenderloin in the crockpot and when it is done I would pour the sauce over it and serve it all on top of a baked potato. It sounds odd but it really tastes so good.
Cool.I actually use Country Bob’s already. I slather it on hamburgers, steaks, and pork. ‘I haven’t tried it with chicken yet.
I’d using it on grilled hamburgers.
theresa N
First, posted your contest at my blog for “extra credit” –
Second, I make a lot of crockpot-meats – Hubby’s a meat and potatoes guy and doesn’t feel like he’s had dinner unless he’s had meat. I’d use the sauce as a marinade for crockpot chicken or pot roast. Would probably be amazing!
That suggestion about using it in a meatloaf sounds good too. I think I’d have to try that.
Or brown some ground beef, add diced onions and garlic and the sauce, and scoop it into corn chips or tortillas. Easy lunch for Hubby.
Vee at
Random number generator picked #5
Mrs. Ingram!