Okay, I am really waffling about joining the YMCA. The main reason to join is the pool, which I will need by April to start training for the triathlon.
I don’t necessarily like the expense and the gas useage, and other than the pool I don’t particularly need the Y, as I have some free weights, a bowflex, my bike (in summer) and DVDs at home to work out with.
However, I know that joining the Y would probably give me that little extra push to get down to goal. I don’t know.
I have to decide how badly I want to get to 135, right?
Lori, Thanks for the message. I am definitely going to order the protien powder and oat fiber because I can’t wait to try those muffins.
I also think the Y would be great for you. And 135 sounds really great! I hope I can get close to that weight someday.
You might want to stop and think first: if you are having such a hard time deciding how true is your commitment to the gym? How likely are you going to use it?
I know people who get membership with a passion and fire and guns a blazing and still wear out and don’t go. Before you make the commitment… I would just stop and assess first.
If the selling point for you is the pool, you should look into what places in your area have pools you can access. I know where I am, there are a few hotels that actually sell memberships to their pools, and then there’s the university campuses.
But then, you could go to the Y and fall in love with all the fancy equipment and classes too
you know what I think. JOIN JOIN JOIN.
I had a Saratoga Y membership a few years ago and just found it to be expensive compared to the other available gyms, but I also wasn’t interested in the pool. If that’s the only way you’re going to be able to get the swim training in, it sounds like a no-brainer. Sign on the line!
I had a similar talk with myself recently. How badly do I want to lose another 5 pounds? Perhaps I just need to focus on maintaining my goal weight for now and then re-evaluate. However, sometimes going out on a limb really does push us to do more and not get too comfortable.
I recently went through the “should I join the gym?” decision myself. (And this was for a gym *right next door to work*. No pool, though, which is a bummer.) Long story short, I figured out that it would be worth it, even if I only went once per week. I fell in love with the BodyPump class, and it’s also a nice backup for me when the weather is bad and I can’t exercise outside. I don’t think I would have bothered if I hadn’t found a “free week” card on my car, though, and tried it out first. Does the Y have an option like that, or even an option where you could buy a single month’s membership before committing for a longer time?
Also…I’m excited to hear that you’re training for a triathlon! I don’t know why, but I’ve had sprint triathlons on the brain lately. Probably because I like bike riding and swimming, and the idea of going for longer running distances intimidates me a bit. (Right now I do 5Ks…am thinking about doing a 10K later this year…half-marathons/marathons? EEEEK!)
good ending question – how bad do you want it? What's it worth to you?
I'm smiling because you already lost 110lbs (right?) and you have these 4 little ones left…so you know more then everyone that you have to keep pushing through things & trying new things! I'm right there with you, I have the last 10lbs left and it was time for me to get serious last week so I sucked it up and hired a trainer. UGH….I can't afford it, but I decided that's how badly I wanted to get to the 140lbs mark.