Okay, I am not totally sold that this is not a zucchini:
But, the store said they were italian squashes, so I thought I would try it. I wanted something crispy, and thought I would try roasting it in strips to make it like baked fries. Cut it up, drizzled a little olive oil and S&P and roasted in the toaster oven:
(Note that my egg salad sandwich is missing, I got too hungry before the squash was done)
Verdict – not bad tasting, very mild. Too squishy, though. It was not the crispy-skinned thing I was craving. I might get another one to try a different preparation with. I think I may have to break down and deep fry some veggies!! LOL!
… Stay tuned tomorrow for the perfect Loribar!!!
Hmmm, looks like a zuchini to me too. But it looks darn good!
Looks like zuchini to me also
If it looks like a zucchini, roasts like a zucchini, squishes when roasted like a zucchini, might it be a zucchini? lol!
loved your post on the “i’m not telling you where it came from, look it up yourself” blog Thanks for the support, babe.
Looks like zucchini to me too. I happen to love zucchini, and I just like it boiled–I know, weird. But, here’s my big hint. I only like the little ones, because they have less seeds in the middle, therefore less squish.
Zucchini and Italian squash are one and the same