Weigh in day!

A new decade!!!!!!

Woo Hoo! I squeaked into the 130s by a hair. The scale sits at 139.8. That’s down 1.2 pounds from last week. 110.2 pounds gone. That’s a whole person. Wonder where she went?

I am now in my final decade. My goal decade, as someone called it 😀

I am super motivated now. Need to stay on track for the next week. I went out and jogged today, which was total insanity. It was sunny, so I thought “What the heck, gonna run”. I get back and checked the temperature. 29 degrees! No wonder it felt cold.

This pic was taken just before I left for my jog. New technical shirt that kept my top toasty warm.

17 thoughts on “Weigh in day!

  1. Craig

    I just found your blog and I have to say congratulations on the 110 pounds of weight loss. That’s incredible! Way to go!

  2. Skye's the Limit

    Way to go!!! You are such an inspiration! When I think about the 145 pounds that I need to lose, it’s not so overwhelming after seeing what you have already accomplished! Thanks!

  3. Skye's the Limit

    Way to go!!! You are such an inspiration! When I think about the 145 pounds that I need to lose, it’s not so overwhelming after seeing what you have already accomplished! Thanks!

  4. Donna B

    COngrats on reaching your new goal! you look fantastic and have set a good example for so many of us. Keepup the good work!

  5. AGirlWorthLosing

    You have done so well!! So encouraging. Congrats on being in the 130’s! What a accomplishment!

  6. Last Journey Down

    That is so greatgreatgreat! Congrats to you Lori! I recall thinking along some same lines when I’d lost a bit of weight, philosophically wondering where all that weight had gone? Kept me going for a few cardio sessions! Have a super day!

  7. Chubby Chick

    Lori, thanks so much for the comment that you left on my Medical Transcription post! I left a more in-depth reply over there because some other ladies are interested, too… and are following the comments.

    And… your weight loss so far is amazing! You should be so proud of yourself! 🙂

    Thanks again. 🙂

  8. ptg

    That is so awesome!!! Congrats on being into your “final decade!”

    And I would be SO cold with those capris on…brrrrr!

  9. fatfighter

    Congrats on your new decade – that’s awesome news! I had to laugh about you jogging kin the sun, then realizing it was cold. 😉

  10. mom_of2boys

    Way to go! Congratulations on your new weight loss decade. Awesome job taking that cold run…I would have never made it. Too cold for me!

  11. Christie O.

    wow!! not only a new decade but the final one!!! woooohoooo!!! that’s amazing! i’m so happy for you!!!!!!

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