I found a coat at my favorite consignment shop today. I needed something that was warmer than my leather, but not as thick as my winter coat – and I found the perfect one. At first, I passed the coat by, because the size said “S”, and I thought there was no way it would even come close to fitting. That ended up being the only coat I really liked, and after looking at it again, I thought it looked like a very generous small, and it was. It fits perfectly! And only $20.
So, John is going out of town for a few days starting tomorrow. Since he is taking the only car, that leaves me with the scooter. So, I should be on plan, although the weather is supposed to be around 60 for a few days, so the scooter is definitely an option if I want to go out. I either eat really well or really poorly when he is out of town, and I am going to really, really try to eat well. I still show some scale ‘uppage’ from the chinese food, so that is motivation to behave.
I also joined Twitter, just to see what it’s all about. You can follow me on the left if you like, probably pretty boring LOL!
Congrats on the bargain coat! Gotta love thosse consigment shops. Keep up the good work while John is gone. Know you can do it!
I like the twitter thing, you always have interesting things to say..
Size small..Woohoo!! Be EGO lift
Consignment shops are for you gals, We never get “good” leftovers. Maybe some socks with holes.
Awesome coat score! And size small to boot!