I fairly well survived my stress bingeing this weekend. Only showed a 0.4 pound gain, and I consider myself very lucky at that.
I also think the strength training has really helped keep my metabolism working at a higher level. Whatever the reason, thank you!
Wuss girl decided to quit being a baby and went out for a run today. It was 41 degrees, really windy and kind of spitting a bit of rain – but I needed to get this in. I did a hill/interval combo run, different than anything I have done before. I did part of my regular hill run, which ends up near the highschool after about a mile, then I veered onto the track and did 2 miles with intervals. I also had done a lower body strength training workout today, so my legs feel stiff tonight!
Chloe update (for those that want to hear!): I think she is turning a corner. She actually meowed (quite loudly) today when I brought in her wet food (aka kitty crack). She has better control over her back leg, it looks more like a limp now instead of her just dragging it. So, I don’t know how much she will recover – but I am so grateful that she seems to be progressing.
Hi Lori, really great news about chloe. Hmmm, about the treadmill (last blog) I was at a hotel this past weekend, so I went and used their fitness center, and got on the giant treadmill. I have to admit, I really felt it was quite a workout. Different than when I walk outdoors, even though I feel like I challenge myself most days when I walk. But I don’t have the money, and especially the space for a treadmill.
Good for you going out in the cold. I don’t like it when its too hot, and I don’t like it when its too cold…
Yea! for you getting out for a run, and yea! for Chloe!
You have great determination to go out for a run in that weather.
And I’m glad to hear about Chloe, I hope she recovers fully!
yay for chloe and your running!
I’m glad your gain was only minor, and that your kitty is feeling better. Wet food is indeed “kitty crack”!
Glad Chloe is doing better and that you had such a minor weight gain:) Keep up the good work!!
good luck this weekend!! you maniac runner you!!!! beat that time!!!