
Clicking each link below will open up a new page for that specific recipe or recipe collection.

Low fat Coffee muffins


Custard Oats Primer

My Perfect Omelet Technique

1-Minute Muffin

Protein Pancakes/waffles

Peanut Flour Waffles

Cranberry Orange Pancakes


Oatmeal Extravaganza

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Scones

Blueberry Cornbread Muffins

Sweet potato dense muffins

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Scones.

Ricotta Puffs

Banana Bread Breakfast Pudding (GF)

Low Fat, High Protein Muffins

The recipe:

1/2 cup rolled oats (40 grams)
1/2 of a banana, mashed (the riper, the better!)
1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder.
1-2 tsp of peanut butter.

I mashed the banana really well and added it to the water before boiling, this helps break it down better. Frozen and thawed nanas work great for this Added the oats and cocoa powder and cooked until done.
Topped with the peanut butter. Yummy!!_

Granola with Yogurt and berries
1/2 cup of granola (150 calories or less per 1/2 cup)
1 cup chopped strawberries
1/2 cup greek style yogurt
1 tsp of honey
Mix the honey with the yogurt until incorporated. Fold in the berries and granola and enjoy! I prefer the Fage 2% yogurt, but you could use any type you like.   Nature’s Place Ginger Zing or Hemp granola have only 140 calories per 1/2 cup.

2 thoughts on “Breakfast

  1. Pingback: Yumm! « debby weighs in

  2. Pingback: A New Recipe or Two « debby weighs in

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