Category Archives: getting back on track

Vegging out.

Back to work time today.  Ever get a little out of routine and it messes you up?  I start every day with a glass of water.  My water glass was not in the bathroom, since it was in the dishwasher, so I didn’t get started with that, and then I left my camera at home for bagel day!  Ooops!  I would have forgotten our reusable grocery bags if John hadn’t brought them, too.

Here is approximately what breakfast looked like:

Asiago cheese bagel!  Move over Picasso….

Stopped for groceries and got a whole bunch of fruit.  I wonder if I eat too much fruit?  Also extra veggies (will explain later).

Had a busy start to the work day, which is a little unusual for Sundays, but I’ll take it!  Then broke for lunch:

Egg puff on tortilla with laughing cow.  I loves me some hot sauce!

Regarding the 100-mile bike ride.  Sometimes I forget that I haven’t posted or written about something, and then mention it later to much confusion.  There is no specific ride John and I are doing, but I wanted a challenge to myself this summer and that sounded like a nice way to do it.  So, we are going to do a day of 100 miles this summer (after we are better conditioned for long rides).  It will take us all day long, so it has to be during maximum day length.  We are trying to map a route that will allow stops for rest and eating along the way.  I am excited about it 😀

Work slowed down in the afternoon, so I went for a nice leisurely walk.  Have to take a rest day, so I consciously walked slower.  This little guy was having a snack!

Speaking of, I came back and made lattes.

And some fruit:

John cooked up a pork loin for dinner that was oh-so-good!  You will see this a few times this week, as there is a lot left.

So, regarding the extra veggies.  My goal this week is to have more vegetables.  That means I am going to make sure I add a serving of vegetables to lunch each day as well as having them for dinner.   Seems appropriate for National Nutrition Month! Anyone want to join me on this challenge this week?

Giveaway tomorrow!

Question:  Extra serving of veggie challenge anyone?

Post binge, back on track.

Phew…. the last couple of days was a graze fest. So many cookies! Thank goodness we only do this once a year! The only thing I didn’t have this holiday is alcohol. Well, I did have a splash of brandy in the eggnog – but not too much 🙂

It felt sooooo good to get back to my normal eating routine today. Plus, I got in my cardio and strength training. The sugar monster is roaring pretty fierce, though. I am sugar sensitive, and the last couple of days have really set that beast loose again. It’s been difficult to stay out of the cookies (but I did!!). I know I need a couple more days before those cravings are going to subside. I got a Larabar in my stocking, so I will have that later as a ‘dessert’.

The funny thing is – I did not get any heartburn the last couple of days, which is surprising considering the rich food. However, I did get heartburn today eating on plan! Still trying to figure that one out.

Back on track today, and thank you.

First a note to say thank you so much for your responses about Chloe. As an update, she has not really changed much. She has paralysis of her back right leg, and her tail. Makes it look a bit weird, as the tail curls up. My biggest concern for her is that she is also blind, so with walking problems we have confined her to one bedroom so that she can’t fall down the stairs or otherwise hurt herself. She still manages to make it to the litter pan (pretty much), and eats and drinks and sleeps in her little kitty bed. Seems happy, although unsure of what is going on when she tries to walk around. Old age in pets is a hard thing. I won’t be posting about her here again unless something drastic happens either way, as this isn’t what this blog is about. I imagine she will just plod along like the little trooper she is 🙂

I am back on track eating wise today. That was the first time in a long time that I stress ate quite that much. I had been able to stop myself in the past from stress eating, but need to figure out why I failed this time. Well, I guess I know why – serious emotional stuff, right? But I must find some lesson in this.

It’s really scary knowing how easy it would be to put 100 pounds back on. Much easier that it has been to take it off, that’s for sure! And probably a lot quicker, too. I have come to think of obesity as a disease for me, that I have to ‘medicate’ with diet and exercise for my whole life. It’s not really curable, but it is manageable.

Almost the holiday!

Boy, today sure feels like Friday! Got up early and went out for a jog this morning. Construction makes for a great wake up call….gggrrrr…..
I went 3.25 miles again. The jog felt tired and stiff, not sure if it was because of donating blood yesterday, or the early hour. Or both! LOL!
Who would have ever thought I would be running 3 miles! Certainly not me!

Got back on food track today after the ice cream mishap from last night. I am amazed at how easy it is to get back on track, without it turning into a multi-day binge or full blown relapse. There are those days where I feel my hold on control is tenuous at best, and those days where I have the iron grip. Got the iron grip back today.

Still waiting for my tax refund check to get here. It was supposed to go out at the end of June, and no show yet. I really need some clothes!! Might just have to go get them early and pay myself back. I know I am going to shop for size 12s — yippeee!!! I might get a pair of 10s as a motivation pair of jeans. I’d love to fit into those by August.