Monday meanderings

I can’t believe how many people have not had wet walnuts on ice cream! I thought that was a really common topping, but maybe not.  It’s traditionally made with maple syrup, so maybe it only is popular in maple syrup areas.  You can buy it in the store, too.

Here is a nice recipe for it, should you want to try it.  I am not responsible if you can’t stop eating it, though!  😀

Another hot, hot day today.  Mondays are pretty much my rest days now that biking season is in high gear (har har).  Only walking to tutoring.  I made a warm breakfast this morning and then realized that wasn’t the smartest thing when it was already in the 70s.  So, I let it get cold before eating.


I think, just maybe, we have turned the corner at work and things are going smoother now.  If only the company was more organized. It would be so much easier to control chaos.  I have all my toes crossed, not the fingers since I need them for typing!

I had a mid morning snack:


Pixie entertained us for lunch today hiding in her crunch tube.


See? I bet you don’t see me! This is one of those things that she ignores forever and then she plays with it again.


I have Food Should Taste Good chips again.  I really like these, but they are kind of expensive. However, I had a coupon this week!  :mrgreen:

We put our big AC unit in the downstairs window this weekend finally. We have one for our bedroom and that has been going for a while now, but the downstairs wasn’t overly hot until this weekend.  That means I also brought down my guitar to practice where it is cool.  It’s kind of nice having it right at hand.


Yes, I pretty much put it in the middle of the room, too.  It’s all about me!! No latte as I had tutoring and I was hungry when I got back after 4, so I had some cereal (which I also nibbled on while fixing lunch).


We like Monday dinners to be easy since it is a busy day for both of us.  You know that means a staple!


I grilled up extra chicken yesterday.  Planning ahead, always a good thing 😀


Working tonight, which is usual for a Monday.  I get a 3 day weekend coming up for Becoming and Outdoors Woman – yay!



21 thoughts on “Monday meanderings

  1. Joanne

    I’m from the upper midwest and I have never heard of wet walnuts either. They do tap for maple syrup here in the early spring I know. Maybe it is a regional thing for the maple syrup. Sounds good, though.

  2. Carol

    never heard of wet walnuts either. I live in pecan territory! that waffle with blueberries looks mouth watering. And what is that on the chicken? Looks like maybe goat cheese with something else drizzled on top????

  3. Shelley B

    Wet walnuts must be a northeastern thing…now if you were in the south, you could have boiled peanuts (But I recommend you don’t as they are gross. Think peanuts packed in water, in a can. Blech!) I’ll take my nuts dry, thank you. 😉

  4. Leah

    Tonight I prepared chicken sausages and served myself one sans bun, with grapes and then some Funyuns (traded bun for chips), but having fruit with a dinner meal made me think of you. 🙂 I’m slowly training myself to remember that fruit/veggie carbs are also good for running…bread is not necessary all the time. 🙂

  5. Lynne

    I’m in Wisconsin, lots of maple syrup here but no ‘wet walnuts’. I love hearing about ‘regional cuisine’:) BOW – Yay! They’ve changed ours from late August to late September – still the same classes, just a little more Fall-ish weather in northern Wisconsin. Have fun – can’t wait to hear all about it.

  6. debby

    I am not even putting that wet walnut recipe on my recipe bookmark page! Way too dangerous for me! I’ll have to put it on my wishlist of things to try the next time I come east!

    Your guitar is really beautiful.

    I got some fresh blueberries on the way home today. Might have to make some of that topping!

  7. Fran

    Cool that the outdoor weekend is coming up so soon. I remember how much you love these weekends.

    We had 2 extreme hot days last week on Tuesday and Wednesday but now it’s too cold again for this time of year. Weather this year is so strange so far.

  8. Satu

    You put ideas in my head! I could buy cream ice cream and put some nuts on top..and you say they have to be wet?

    Don’t you see that Pixie is actually a lioness hiding in bush preying for – uh – prey!? 🙂

  9. Tracy

    Hi Lori,
    I enjoy your blog! First I have to say that your breakfast waffle looks to die for! And then I have to say that your chicken totally looks like cheesecake!! 🙂

    I love your Great Veggie Experiment and I commented on it in my blog – you inspired me to try Brussels sprouts 🙂 Thanks!

  10. Ali @ Peaches and Football

    Never heard of wet walnuts here either!

    Looking forward to reading about your Becoming an Outdoors Woman weekend. Those are always great posts and I love hearing about all the activities you sign up for! Hopefully it’s not too hot there.

  11. Cammy@TippyToeDiet

    I hadn’t heard of wet walnuts either. Down here, we have candied walnuts (or pecans or whatever), and I’m wondering if that’s the same thing. Close cousins, maybe.

    Glad to see that work is leveling out. We don’t need stress AND heat. 🙂

  12. Tami @Nutmeg Notebook

    That is a cute photo of Pixie! She sure keeps you entertained. Glad to read that your work stress is getting better.

    The blueberry sauce on your waffle sure looks yummy! I made some blueberry bars the other day that were delicious.

  13. Miz

    I BLAME YOU 🙂 for getting the guitar on my brain which led me to a little guitar or ukelele and then buying one for my child 😉

  14. Dana Glabeman

    Lori, you gotta forget those expensive chips! Here’s what I do: go get a couple packages of quinoa or buckwheat tortillas-their protein/fiber to calorie ratio is awesome, and the La Feria ones are only $2-3. Cut them up into smaller chip size pieces, spray a cookie sheet with olive oil, spread them out in a single layer, spray the top really lightly, sprinkle with sea salt and a little cracked pepper, then toast in a 400* oven for 5-6 minutes or until they JUST turn a little brown (you gotta watch ’em -they can burn quickly). You’ll get the same amount of chips as the expensive bags. I do this about twice a month, and a handful of these with some turkey chili, hummus or bean/corn salsa is the BEST!!!

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