The last non-bagel Bagel Wednesday. Hooray! It was really a nice morning out. Cool enough that we needed jackets and longer pants for a ride!
Early on in the ride, I took a tumble. We approached an intersection with no light or stop sign and I noticed a truck on my left that I thought was turning right. I turned to make eye contact with the driver to make sure that they saw me. When I looked ahead again, John had stopped short because of pedestrians crossing. As I tried not to run into John, I ended up falling over. The problem with falling over on a bike is that you can’t grab anything to break the fall, so I fell on top of my bike. I ended up with the end of the handle bar jamming right into my upper chest where there is no padding. Owie. I also scraped up my knees and ankles. I swore enough to give a sailor a run for the money because it hurt so bad, but I was also embarrassed. We got back on after a few minutes and continued while I tried to work out the hurt as we pedaled.
After about 6 miles, we stopped at the cafe to eat. We ate outside. I brought my ricotta puffs and strawberries and bought a cup of coffee.
Not good ambiance outside, but it was wonderfully cool to sit out there.
I viewed my right leg, which was still stinging quite a bit.
I think I am also going to end up with a big bruise on my chest. I am lucky the handlebar didn’t hit up a few more inches or it would have hit my collarbone.
We did another loop and ended up with 11.5 miles this morning. Other than the fall, it was quite a nice ride
The rest of the morning went by pretty quickly. I broke for lunch wanting an omelet.
This had cheddar cheese on it with some steamed broccoli inside. Yum!
I had a couple questions about weight lifting as I haven’t posted a workout in a while. This is my new taskmaster.
Or really the old taskmaster. Our bowflex. (And I type blowflex every time. Every time!).
My gym membership expired this month and I decided to work out at home for a while. I am debating on joining a different gym. It’s the gym my mother goes to. It is farther from home and biking there would be a little time consuming, but the membership is $99 a year versus my old gym at $275 per year. Kind of a no-brainer, right? I will wait a bit, though, until it gets cooler or I miss the barbell too much.
Time for the snack!
I love my afternoon snack. Don’t you? I did go get another pineapple slice, too.
I got a craving for a potato for dinner. This was topped with chicken, laughing cow, and hot sauce.
Yukon gold. That is my favorite kind of potato. They have the perfect texture for me.
A quiet evening at home with a couple macaroons. I need to stop watching the Weather Channel because I am going to obsess about this hurricane.
Question: What is your favorite kind of potato?
OMG, I once feel on top of my bike after riding it down some stairs (brilliant idea, me!), and I landed on this bolt thing that was sticking out of the wheel. I had this weird like, perfect circle puncture hole in the side of my leg kind of near the knee. I swear it looked like someone had taken a hole puncher and just punched a deep circle out of my skin.
So, that sucks. Sorry that happened!
Yukon Gold for me too, btw, and that omelet looks delicious.
I’m glad you are okay!! Falling on the bike is both painful and embarrassing. And even if you’re stopped still and fall it does damage (at least to me it does!). I have had more scrapes, falls and bruises. Oof.
Yes, I have done both moving falls and stopped still falls. Both hurt LOL!
Sorry you had a fall, hope the bruising isn’t too bad.
I am on tornado watch and obsessively listening to The Weather Network.
Here’s hoping neither of us get hit.
And yes, your pineapple does look soooo good!
Oooh, nasty scrape! I hope the pain isn’t worse tomorrow.
I enjoyed my gym-break. It actually helped me clarify what I wanted to do and when. Will the ‘far away’ gym be difficult to get to in the snowy/icy months?
As for potatoes, I haven’t found one I don’t like.
Well, the farther gym means driving in snowy/icy months. I think it is 5 miles from home.
Ouch! I cringed reading about your tumble. Your omelet looks amazing!
Yikes, getting it in the chest had to hurt and scare you! I hate that you fell, but you know that puts you into *badass* biker status, right?
Your mom’s gym is a bargain! At that price, maybe between what you have at home, and the gym, you can make both work for you, convenience-and-weather-wise.
Ooh, that just sounds so painful. Ouchie. Either one of your gym memberships is a BARGAIN compared to what I pay for mine!! Interesting that you are taking a break, because I am probably going to take a break while I recuperate from the hand surgery, and then I will re-evaluate the cost/benefit ratio. If I would just DO the exercise at home…
My favorite potato used to be reds, but the yukon gold might take over the top spot.
I wanna pineapple slice…
Hi Lori! I hope you recuperate quickly from your fall.
Five miles doesn’t seem so bad to drive to the gym. That’s how far mine is.
Sorry, but I giggled at the thought of your bike fall, because it sounds like something I’d do. Ouchie!! I hope you aren’t sore too long.
I hardly ever try different potatoes, and like the few I’ve eaten.
Also watching news and the hurricane path. We’re in Jacksonville, NC now and tomorrow I am going out for supplies in case we lose power.
Ouch:( I don’t eat regular potatoes anymore, when I am eating on plan. So I’d have to say my favorite is sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes, hands down.
Awww sorry about the fall. Good thing it was just you and the bike and no car, bus, van, train, or plane was involved!! Hopefully will heal up very quickly!
Ouch that must have hurt! I haven’t been bike riding in quite some time but it’s been way too hot here for such activity anyway. I need a new bike as I use to ride my son’s but he has rediscovered it his love for bike riding!
I love all kinds of potatoes but yukon gold and sweet potatoes are at the top of my list.
Ouch!!! Glad you are okay, though, and hope the residual stuff isn’t too bad.
Funny, I was just wondering about the weight lifting! And like Debby, I’m envying you your gym prices. My gym is super convenient–right next door to work–and is feeling neglected, because I’ve felt the need to get outside in the sun lately.
Favorite potato? Does “Salt & Pepper Kettle Chip” count? No? Darn. I love sweet potatoes. I also love baked potatoes with thick skins; I scrape out the center (and give them to my hubby) and add plain yogurt and lemon pepper and chives or scallions. Roll up & eat. Yum!
Ouch! Sorry to hear about your fall, but I am glad it wasn’t any serious injury – it could have been worse. Biking can be really dangerous sometimes… Take care!
OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope the chest area is not too sore today but I am guessing it will be! Feel better!
Potatoes – I love them all but I do like my yams!
My friends are holed up in their hotel in the Bahamas & said they will have stories to tell & pics as well. – YIKES! I hope it misses you!!!!!
That must have hurt that fall.Hope you are feeling better today.
That’s a lot of money you can save for the other gym. I read you have to drive 5 miles to get there. Is that worth it for you? I went twice to a gym that was only a 15 minute drive from home but my experience that on cold days I didn’t want to drive all the way there. I prefer a gym close by home, like my current one that’s a 2 minute bike ride.
Lately I don’t like potatoes anymore. I still like them baked or out of the oven but not cooked anymore. Prefer rice or pasta instead.
Yikes – sorry about your fall Lori! I have to agree that yukon gold potatoes are buttery without butter – yum! Thanks for your comment on my last blog post – I appreciate your support! Hugs!
You are now officially a bad biker chick (even if it is a non-motorized bike)! We are obsessing about the hurricane but it’s pointed right where I live for the time being. Hopefully it will shift but unfortunately that means a couple days of watching and waiting.
Ouch! That’s going to leave a mark. Hope your bruises heal quickly.
I love potatoes no matter how you make them. My favorite would have to be garlic smashed.
We’re supposed to head up to VT this weekend but not sure about coming back home on Sunday. I think it’s still too early to tell what Irene is planning. Stay safe.
Ouch! Sorry about your fall, hope you are feeling better soon.
I absolutely love good French fries, really good ones or they aren’t worth the calories, otherwise I’m one of those people who can take or leave white potatoes. I do love sweet potatoes, though.
Ouch! I hope you are feeling better.
There is no way on earth to fix a potato that I don’t love. Equally, and with abandon.
Yikes on that fall Lori. That’s always my biggest fear, I hope your leg is doing better and good thing it wasn’t worse!
Are you thinking of coming over to Planet Fitness? I think they’re only running that special until the end of August, but they’ll pick it back up again in the late fall. I know when I joined last November they had it going on. I’ve been going to the gym a lot lately and it’s been quiet there but I dread the winter months when it get so busy.
No – not PF, but the Nautilus. The mall is farther than the Nautilus.
OWCH Lori!!!! Hope the bruises and scrapes heal quickly! An avid biker friend of ours says that when you have a fall like that, you graduate from “biker” to “bad ass biker”. That makes you my friend, officially bad ass! Take care, have a good day!
OUCH!!! That sounds like it hurt so bad and your leg has some pretty pnarly road rash…you are a total biker bad ass now!!
My favorite potato is anything but a sweet potato!!!
So glad the fall wasn’t worse. Sure could’ve messed up the fall biking season for you. Would’ve messed it up for me to since I sure do love your pictures!! LOL!
Yukon Gold and Sweet Potatoes are my favorites.
Believe me, I’ve got you on my radar along with a few other blog friends hoping Irene dies a quick death.
Hope your ego isn’t as badly bruised as your leg or your bubbies! Just had to tell you I started making the one-minute muffin yesterday and I LOVE them!! I’ve been using the applesauce to keep the calories down, but I added some PB 2 and honey to make them a bit sweeter. Today I added 1T of Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate chips to the batter before nuking and it was delicious!!! Now to get to those ricotta puffs. (I showed my son the recipe and he said “Do NOT make those for me.” I guess he’s not a fan…)
Yikes, that sucks. So sorry! ice pack + ibuprofen?