One really great thing about having a blog is that you can review things much better than just in a photo album or by memory. I have been having a good time looking through this past year and all that has happened to me. I have to say that 2010 was really a great year in many ways. Much better than 2009.
We went to New Orleans and then on a cruise to Mexico!
I was on the Dr. Oz show for his 100th episode along with 99 other 100 pound losers! (posing here with Dawn)
I sold my rental property. *Huge* relief!
I helped do doggy training – and I don’t even own a dog!
I herniated a disk in my back, which really changed the course of things I was to do for the majority of this year.
I was in Shape magazine.
I celebrated another year of maintaining at least 100 pounds gone.
John and I rode 100 miles on our bikes.
Our bikes were stolen in Montreal.
Featured on AOL That’s Fit
Trip to Colorado to visit family.
Featured in Woman’s Day’s online with other bloggers who lost weight.
Dang. That was a busy year of highlights! Thank you all for sharing it with me!
Report card:
Now looking back to Jan 1,2010 and my specific outline for the year. Let’s see what 2010 goals were and how I did :
Fitness: The same Duathlon for sure! A few 5K. Well – the duathlon happened as a home version. I did a few 5Ks as well after I recovered.
I would love to do a day where I ride 100 miles on my bike this summer. Did this!!
Possibly a 1/2 marathon. The disk problem put a kink in this plan. (har har)
Weight and Food: Weight maintenance at a minimum. I am a few pounds heavier than I want to be currently, but that will come off.
Continue to eat more locally, particularly the meat. Been doing this.
I am taking a few days each week where I don’t record my food. I kind of forgot about this goal, although I did it sometimes.
Sell my rental house. Done! Yay!
I would like to do some volunteer work, but I have not picked out a specific yet. Not done other than blood donations.
Organize my blog a bit, like having a specific day each week with a new recipe and another day talking about a specific strength training move. I think I have been doing that, cool.
More family time! Even visited the in-laws in CO this year!
2010 was a pretty good year over all. I need to sit down and think of what I want to accomplish in 2011, but that is another post…
Question: How was 2010 for you?
I love that about having a blog too. It’s so awesome to be able to look back and see what I did and the highlights from the year. I’m doing one of these posts on NYE. So awesome!
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..Weight Loss Rewards =-.
What a great year for you! I love blogging for the same reason.
.-= Carly´s last blog ..Happy Birthday! =-.
I had no idea you were on Dr. Oz! Cool!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Cheddar Garlic Bread =-.
I didn’t set a specific set of goals for 2010 but I’m giving it serious consideration for 2011. You did a great job.
Next time you’re in Colorado, I’d love to meet you! In a rural area about 1 hour SE of Denver. Just FYI….
Vee at
.-= Vee´s last blog ..Knock on Wood =-.
I SO enjoyed reading this. I’m relatively new to your blog still and didn’t know most of these things. Congratulations on a big year, and I look forward to reading along in 2011.
I don’t comment often, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. 2010 was great year and 2011 will be even better!
Thanks, Kim!
That looks like a fabulous year, Lori! I’m so looking forward to the time that I can also say, “Maintained weight for another year.” You’re a brill inspiration.
(And, ooooh, a cruise)
.-= Cilla´s last blog ..Return to Green =-.
Hey Lori.Congratulations on a solid year. I’m glad your injury didn’t put a significant dent in your plans or your enjoyment.Looking forward to reading more of your adventures in 2011
.-= Jo´s last blog ..Lunch of champions =-.
Looks like a good year- minus the injury of course! You are getting famous!
That’s a great idea to go back through your blog and remember what you’ve done- I’ll have to do that!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Too Many Delicious Dinners =-.
Wow-o-wow, Lori! What an amazing year! So glad that, despite the health challenges with your back, that it turned out to be a good one. Thanks for sharing it with us, too!
P.S. – I think that, in 2011, you need to add a trip to Northern California to visit Debby, me, and the rest of your Nor Cal blog buddies, whomever they may be!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! =-.
You have had a busy year, my friend. Sure do like that bike. Very nice.
I’ve had a pretty nice 2010. There have been some ups and downs but it was memorable. Looking forward to adventure in 2011.
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Back To Life- Back to Reality =-.
Wow, what a banner year!! You really had some amazing highlights – and keeping the 100lb off is definitely something to celebrate!
.-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog .. =-.
Amazing recap! What a year it’s been for you Lori! And great job on your 2010 goals, although I knew you’d be able to do them
I sucked at my 2010 goals, but that does’t matter so much anymore because overall my year was my best one yet!!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Feline Frenzy =-.
Very inspiring year! I saw you in Shape! Here’s to a great 2011.
So fun to be able to look back on your year – you were really busy, especially considering the time you spent sidelined with your injury.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Time To Stop Eating! =-.
Other than the injury and the stolen bike, it was a pretty darned good year!
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Obesity and Politics Don’t Mix =-.
Lori, what a great year you had, wow. I just love that picture of us and I loved that you were so kind to me and let me borrow your shirt that day for the Dr. Oz show you truly did change the course of my whole day from stressed to happy. I think you look so thin in that picture with your arms thrown out so carefree *smile*. You are just a terrific person and deserve every wonderful thing that has happened to you this year. I really do look up to you. *big hug*
Wow Lori! What an amazing year you have had! I’m so impressed with everything you’ve done!
you. mary. sagan.
I need to do one of these posts as Im loving everyone elses!!
it’s amazing how much we accomplish when we reflect even when it odesnt feel like we’ve done all that much (uh, me
not you…)
.-= Miz.´s last blog ..Willpower vs Willingness =-.
What an amazing year you had! I hope 2011 is just as well for you
Unfortunately 2010 was the worst of my life and I’m hoping 2011 is better!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Nogmeal =-.
You’ve had a great year! And the best part was that I was there all year long to follow all your adventures, I remember every one of them.
I look forward to following you next year and see what 2011 brings you. Nothing but good I hope.
Amazing year Lori!!! Loved the recap & all the fun.. & not so much the back.. I get that!
Where is Pixie.. isn’t she a big part! OH, I guess that is for me!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Holiday Fun & Pictures! =-.
What a great year Lori! How incredible to have so many awesome experiences!
Thanks for sharing your yearly wrap with us! It was particularly fun for me because I didn’t know about you until mid-year, I think (shocking!). So glad I found your blog, it’s a joy to read and gives me hope for my own maintenance… soon to come!
.-= Helen´s last blog ..Bad to the Bone =-.
All in all, it sounds like a great year (except the back and bike bits). I love that you reposted your goals for the year. I think too often we forget what we’d set out to do!
Great work and here’s to 2011!
Lori, you have had an INCREDIBLE year!!!!
good for you!
this is so inspiring
Happy New Year
I don’t talk about it on my blog, but my husband has been out of work since January 2010. Even so, because we have no debt, although we didn’t go anywhere on vacation this year – we did watch my daughter graduate from high school and go to Germany for 3 weeks in June!
And my step-son and his girlfriend moved to Austin in July – we miss seeing him, although he was so busy we didn’t see much of him when he did live relatively close!
Here’s to 2011!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.
Great recap! I love that you’re celebrating another year of maintaining that weight loss, and that health and fitness are such a big part of your routine. Thanks for the inspiration at a time when I really need it.
.-= Charlotte´s last blog ..Hot 100 Update and Weekly Weigh-In =-.
What a great year you’ve had. I’m so glad I found your blog this year….thanks for all that you do and all that you share with us!!!! Have a great day today Lori!!!
.-= Roz´s last blog ..The day of the borrowed photo mascots… =-.
A wonderful year for you, Lori! Looking forward to what you’ll accomplish in 2011.
Getting my 2010 list together….
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Beware the Gain =-.
You have had quite and exciting year!
Great job on your goals too!
My 2010 was a lot better than my sick all year 2009 but there is a lot of room for improvement!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Its the Season of Food Gifts! =-.
I know I’ve told you before, but I can’t say it enough. Thank you for all the encouragement and inspiration this year. Looking back on your year like this just reiterates the fact that your infectious positive attitude has helped me through a very rough 2010. (Hey, it’s all about me, right? LOL) All my best to you for an even happier and healthier 2011, if that’s possible
I read this yesterday and came back to it today. Yep, I’m still shallow. Other than the shrinking Lori, the other “first” thing I noticed was the different hair styles. Sorry. All those things were awesome. I remember you in Shape. Was before I “met” you on blog. And I thought you were awesome even before I knew the whole story. Congrats on a successful 2010!
.-= Amanda @ bakingwithoutabox´s last blog ..Cran Orange Quickbread & Santas Food-Fit Haul =-.
What a great wrap up! You definitely had an eventful year, both good and not, but buyouts congratulations for maintaining another year and making most ofo your goals.
My 2010 was eaten up by pregnancy and birth, the whole thing am aged to be busy and boring all at once. Needless to say, while my son is absolutely amazing, I am glad to be back on the weight loss path here at the end of the year
.-= Taryl´s last blog ..Another one bites the dust =-.