Grab a cuppa for a long post! I survived without the internets! I am chilled to the bone, though. It rained for most of Friday, but it stopped by the time we (meaning my sister, Colleen, and nieces Logan and Devon) were on the road to Massachusetts:
It was about a 2 hour drive. The Camp and Pack is for the Alaskan Malamute Rescue of New England. This group rescues Malamutes that are either in a situation where they just don’t fit or in an abuse-type situation and are found new and loving homes. This weekend is for dog owners of all types to get together and learn and have fun. It’s definitely a good cause. The weekend was held at a Girl Scout Camp. Here was our cabin:
We actually scored because this cabin was a staff cabin and had electricity (but no heat)! Woo Hoo! That meant we could see at night – at least inside LOL. It was, however, flipping cold. Probably in the 30s and damp. I was quite cold, even in the sleeping bag with several layers on.
The sun came out on Saturday and we had a nice breakfast. We all volunteered for chores. Logan helped serve breakfast:
She did so much work this weekend,volunteering a lot. She has a good heart.
Yum! I had to make do with Folgers Coffee this weekend. D’oh! I drank a lot, too, just to keep warm.
After breakfast, we went letterboxing.
This is pretty cool. You basically have clues to find buried boxes and you stamp the notebook inside and sign it with a date. The official site for US Letterboxing is here. See if there is anything near you!
Here is a buried clue:
It had us going around the camp and climbing on some rocks:
Plus saw some more of the beautiful area:
And Storm and Honey had a good time:
After that it was lunch time!
Plus some unpictured cookies. Lots of unpictured snacking went on, we’ll just say that right now.
After lunch I decided to take my new bike on a solo mountain ride:
Hmmm… something wrong here….
Ah – that’s better!
I did about a 9 mile ride and it was tough. The road was really rough and I was on monster hills. I couldn’t figure out why I was so tired until I saw the sign that said 12% grade! Now that is some hill!
I was wiped out from that. I had hoped to bike more miles, but the hill and rough roads were really hard.
After I got back, it was costume contest! Honey went as a convict:
Don’t you love her prisoner number?
More costumes:
We had a lot of laughs at the costumes.
This is one mammoth dog. Meet Ziggy with my niece Devon:
Hay ride time! Mother/daughter:
Of course, I have to get in the picture:
Dinner was a western theme:
The food was really good. The most tender ribs!
There was a hoe down afterwards (which I did not partake in, tired).
It was another really cold night on Saturday, but I had an extra blanket and wore gloves to bed I felt warmer.
Today was breakfast and a few more doggie things and we headed home. I had a wonderful time with my sis and the nieces, but I sure am glad to be back indoors! I am currently under a blanket with some hot tea trying to get rid of the chilled to the bone feeling I have.
Today’s pink item! This is Logan working with Storm.
Sounds like you had a fun weekend!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..I ran two and a half miles today =-.
Oh! Now I see why you thought I’d like it–the doggie theme! That does look fun. But the cold? No no! Not a fan of being too cold. You’re a good sport. Cool that you brought your bike. Did that warm you up for a while?
.-= debby´s last blog ..Eating Reasonably =-.
What a great sounding weekend Lori, except for the cold cabin. Brrr!
Looks like you all had a lot of fun! Hope you’ve warmed up by the time you read this comment
.-= suzanne´s last blog ..Weekly goal update =-.
I loved the photos of your weekend. It looks like a lot of fun–except for the cold!
.-= Jane´s last blog ..Some Truths About Me Reside in a Little Bit of Fiction =-.
How cool that the dogs got to camp with you! Looks fun, especially the bike ride. But the cold – yeah, that’s hard to get over once you get so chilled.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Mishmash – Lions and Tigers and Snakes- Oh My! =-.
What a great weekend that has been. I would have loved to go there too and I bet Bella would have enjoyed it very much too.
What a fun weekend! I can relate with feeling cold. We went camping in a tent and it got down in the low 30’s. I wore hats, gloves and multiple layers of clothing and just could not stay warm! I remember the feeling of being chilled for a few days afterward, too.
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Just Keep Going =-.
After seeing that cabin, all I have to say is you are a brave, brave woman
.-= Marisa @ Loser for Life´s last blog ..Burritos- Burgers And Beef =-.
What a sweet family getaway. Looks like you had so much fun. And what a good looking family!! Dogs and all.
.-= Amanda @ bakingwithoutabox´s last blog ..LAs a Sauna- Lovin Scoopful Ice Cream Giveaway! =-.
Looks like you had a really good time. Mountain biking is whole different animal than road biking. Not sure if i’ll ever go there.
Storm and Honey are so cute.
Looks like such a fun weekend! I’ve never heard of Letterboxing before but it sounds like such a fun scavenger-hunt type thing!
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..Centered =-.
what a fun weekend!
I miss camping so bad. I’ve been bugging my husband (and I mean bugging) for the past year.
we need a truck. we don’t need a truck payment.
that kinda thing.
so jealous! and you on that bike was adorable!!!!
.-= Cindy´s last blog ..THE FRESH ONE =-.
Looks like a fun, albeit cold time! You must be the cool aunt!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Dreary Weather! =-.
I LOVE the cause and what a great weekend. So glad the cold didn’t discourage you.
That pic of your sister(?), niece (?), and yourself is beautiful.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..My First Marathon- The Wine Glass =-.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us, Lori! Glad you had a nice time with your sister and your nieces. And the letterboxing sounded especially fun! (Reminded me that I’ve been wanting to try geocaching for awhile now and haven’t gotten to it.)
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 9-29-10 =-.
Ooo, just checked out the site – there are several letterboxes near us! Might have to give this a try!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 9-29-10 =-.
Those dogs are adorable. Glad you had a fun trip eventhoug it was cold.
.-= Meg @LivingInLuling´s last blog ..Sunday Dinner – 10-03-10 =-.