I was up early again today. Supposed to be hot, so I wanted to get a bike ride in. My upper body feels like it was run over by a steam roller, though, thanks to yesterday’s workout. My legs are fine. In fact, my legs are solid like trees right now! Yay thighs!
I had 1/2 of a Larabar for a snack.
It was cloudy and in the low 60s this morning. It started to rain a tiny bit and I almost turned around and went home, but it stopped.
Wouldn’t want to melt, you know…
The road itself isn’t very exciting, but this is the bike lane and it is nice and wide and pretty well maintained for the most part.
After 8 miles, I took a break for some water and some scenery viewing.
The water was like glass:
Must take this same picture when the foliage has turned.
Then I cranked home. 16 miles at an average of 14 mph this morning and I am feeling good! Hungry for brekkie!
This was an excellent breakfast. Did you see the honey fluff recipe I posted earlier today? I am going to try to post a recipe every Tuesday, I think.
Lunch break – I chopped up one of the turkey muffins for an open-faced sammie today. This kiwi was extra good, too. Or maybe I was just extra hungry.
Fairly busy day working today. I need to do some catch up lines, though, as yesterday was not quite a full work day.
John made me a latte:
which I paired with some mint chocolate.
I really, really wanted more chocolate. I did not have any, but something has awoken my sugar monster. Mayhap the cupcakes over the weekend?
I made a return to childhood cafeteria for dinner today. Fish sticks!
The box calls these extra large. I would hate to see the small. I probably couldn’t see the small…..
I want to take a moment and send a big thank you to everyone regarding my Charity Ride on Sunday. Whether you sent a donation or gave me encouragement through email (or even in person) – I am floored by how much support I have gotten. We have raised $377 as of the writing of this post to support the Double H Ranch! You are all awesome! I have my fingers crossed for weather this weekend…
What a beautiful view! I can imagine it being even more beautiful when the leaves turn.
Oh my gosh, that’s right! The ride is this Sunday – good luck!!! I know you’ll do great! And congrats on raising a tidy sum for the Double H Ranch!
That’s a pretty spot by the river…I bet it will be even more spectacular after your trees have turned.
Those are “extra large” fish sticks? Well, there’s one place where super-sizing has not happened yet, anyway.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Happy September! =-.
What a wonderful peaceful morning ride. I love the idea of that. Gotta figure out if there’s some place I could do that once in a while.
Yumm to a big ol’ chunk of chocolate. That’s something I haven’t had for quite a while.
.-= debby´s last blog ..A Most Excellent Adventure =-.
That is my favorite Larabar flavor!
Love your scenic bike rides!
.-= Marisa @ Loser for Life´s last blog ..Bye Bye Summer =-.
Mmmm mint chocolate. I never get flavored chocolate but I see it all the time in the store and it makes my mouth water… I wish they made single servings!
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..Labor Day Cornhole Competition =-.
Pleasepleaseplease tell me that’s not cinnamon on top of your canteloupe!
(Although I can’t talk since I put fresh-cracked black pepper on mine. LOL)
Glad you had such a lovely ride!
.-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Shake It Up- Baby =-.
I bought mini Lara bars a while back and they looked like the piece in your picture – tiny, indeed!
I’m with Cammy – cinnamon on cantaloupe? Well I never!
When are you going to start resting your legs for the big bike ride?
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Countdown To =-.
Hmmmm… Chocolate! Hey… I think I might have some carbs and calories left today … chocolate chips, here I come!
I have larabars in my pantry but never think to eat them. Now, I guess I can’t.
Think I’ll try to make something similar soon.
Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com
.-= Vee´s last blog ..Argh! Im behind! =-.
Isn’t the melon tasty enough without Cinnamon? I never put anything on my melon.
Lori I would never have guessed you would consider turning around and go home because of a bit of rain
You’re welcome for supporting you and I look forward to your report of Sunday’s race and I’m sure you will do great.
You’re welcome! …and congratulations on raising a nice sum for your charity. I know you are going to do great!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Ever Wonder Why =-.
you had me at mint chocolate.
today? that’s where I am
I made your turkey muffins for dinner last night. They are yummy!
Beautiful pictures. That’s a great amount of money to donate to your charity- fantastic!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..A Tuesday Like a Monday =-.
Good luck on your ride!
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Tuesday Tidbits =-.
I’m impressed that your legs were unphased by that killer workout the other day! Yes, you’ve definitely got this charity ride in the bag.
.-= Desert Agave´s last blog ..Weigh In and Car Troubles =-.
Is that homemade bread hiding under that turkey muffin???
Love the pics & that fluff recipe looks so YUMMY!!!!!
Lori, you are gonna rock that ride this weekend! I can’t wait to see pics!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Butt Glutes Lifter-Leg Toning Move =-.
What a great way to start your morning! That foliage is going to look beautiful!
.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Happy Labor Day! =-.
Those fishsticks look yummy. Funny how those were the “extra large”. In what country? haha
.-= Mabelle @ Eat, Move and Live´s last blog ..Thumbs up for Breakfast =-.
Great start to a day.
Best of luck on that ride. Enjoy.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Cycling 61 miles and Vegan Chocolate Sweet Potato Brownies =-.
Congrats on the great accomplishment on the charity ride! You’re going to do great! Lovely ride. Mmmm waffle.
I’m in serious need of a waffle. But sadly no waffle maker. I need to work on that soon.