Woke up to a rainy, rainy morning. That meant no biking for bagels today. I do have my limits. We drove to Panera where I had a blueberry bagel.
This is why I don’t like Panera coffee:
Every time this happens to me. John and I will get coffee from the same urn and my cup will have grounds – his won’t. What is up with that??
Anyway, my mom called on her way out of church and stopped in to Panera and we chatted for a while. That was fun! Then is was grocery shopping and time to work once again.
Stubby was back today.
He looks like a rabbit when he runs.
I did stop for lunch with leftovers of the chickpea masala thing I made on Friday tucked into a wrap and put in the GT express. Quite tasty.
Mz. Fit wrote a post the other day about whether bloggers are role models. I really thought a lot about that and why I blog. I started this blog for myself a few years ago, and never really thought I would get any readers at all. It has changed quite a bit over the years, from strictly a weight loss blog to more of a lifestyle blog. One thing that I noticed is that there are a ton of weight loss blogs on the internets, but very few in the maintenance phase.
I think more people who are maintaining need to keep up their blogs so we can see what it is like on a daily basis for someone to keep the weight off. Not as role models, but as a glimpse into reality. I know that there are people who look at my blog and see ice cream or cupcakes and think it is not really a healthy living blog or that I might be setting a bad example (like dangling said cupcake in front of someone who is restricting themselves from that). Honestly, I am just living my life making choices that make me happy and allow me to maintain my weight loss. I know that I weigh more than I probably *could* weigh if I put my mind to it. However, I seem to be able to maintain the weight I am at and enjoy eating foods. I don’t know if I want to bother doing something that would likely cause me to be unhappy to lose more weight (or stay unhappy trying to keep it off). I have a good relationship with food now and no fear of eating. That is huge.
I don’t know as I consider myself a role model. I am not really striving to be one, but I do like to show that you can maintain weight loss. I don’t know if I would tell someone to do exactly as I do because who knows if they would be successful or not?? Should I not post about eating cupcakes and enjoying them because that is not what a “healthy blogger” does? Or is it something that a healthy blogger does do? I read some blogs and they will state “please don’t hate me” and then talk about something they ate like it is a sin or something. I don’t believe one should apologize for how they live their lives. Of course if you post it, the whole world has the opportunity to …. shall we say…. critique your style of living, but does owning a blog require you to be a role model or censor yourself for your readers? And is it different if you have 100 readers versus 10,000 readers?
I look to a lot of other bloggers for inspiration, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes just for kinship to know that others go through the same things that I do. Anyhoo, that is just something I have been chewing on… haha.
Snack time! John made up lattes with some chocolate syrup on top that he made last night.
I loves a man who cooks…. Granola bar on the side.
Nice ingredient list.
I should just make the darn thing myself – I have all those ingredients.
When work slowed down this afternoon, I set to making some jam for an exchange. I did a rhubarb ginger to start.
It was actually fun. I’ve made jam before, but never actually canned it. I hope it preserves okay
Tastes pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. (toast and jam picture not available…)
Dinner time included a ground pork burger.
I think I will just stick to this over ground beef. It is very moist, and usually cheaper at the smokehouse as well. Gotta love a bargain…
Since it rained out today and no biking, I am going to hit it old school with a DVD for exercise tonight! It’s been months since I have done that. Gotta dust of the Firm workouts
Question: Do you censor your blog (or twitter, facebook, etc) at all?
I think you are a role model. Making the decision to change your lifestyle for the better, being successful at that, and maintaining it – that’s awesome. I also think it’s great that you share this information. Others can learn a lot from you! (I wish my MOM would read what you write!) She’s much older than you, but if she’d realize that she CAN change her life, maybe that would help. ?
Anyhow, in my blog, I pretty much write whatever I want. Since I might go back into the teaching world in a year or two, I try not to write anything that could keep me from getting a good job in the local school district(knowing that anyone can read my blog), but when it comes to my workouts and daily life, I just write what I feel like!
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..2 week training update =-.
Hmm. I’ve been thinking about Miz’s post as well…
I don’t know if I consider myself a role model, for the mere fact that I blog ALL over the place. I talk about sports and athletic events and dieting and weight loss and my daughter and my family and everything else under the sun. So, to say that I am a role model is to lose some credence to the word, I think.
I don’t think though that one should change their blog or edit their opinions/thoughts etc. Isn’t that what having your OWN personal blog is all about? I mean, someone can not like what you say, disagree with you, and then just not read anymore…it’s the beauty (and curse) of the internet. I can imagine that if you have a site that is SPECIFIC to diet/weight loss then you might not want to dangle the “oops'” that happen….but if you’re doing your own lifestyle blog (like you and me and most other peeps) then I think including every day eats is just fine.
That’s just my opinion though…
.-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog ..race recap and review =-.
I love your blog for the very fact that you do talk about your life, after being in a weight loss phase. I need to see that aspect and plan to continue to blog, even after I reach my weight loss goals. In my blog, I write about all kinds of things, but mostly my weight loss. Right now, it is all about weight loss, because it is so important to me right now.
.-= Purplemoon´s last blog ..Being a better blogger =-.
I’m no role model! More the anti-role model.
I don’t look at others as role models, but as examples. (For instance, If I ever wonder if my occasional cupcake is a bad idea, your blog reminds me that at least ONE other successful maintainer is in agreement! :))
I don’t censor my posts (except for language, usually). I do catch some flak occasionally for being too “perky!” (the insinuation is that no one is *that* happy), but I ignore those emails. I’m not going to look for reasons to be miserable just for someone else’s comfort. Is that mean?
I’m envious of your rain…
.-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Next Stop- Food Network =-.
You are a great role model Lori! I hope to have your mentality some day. You enjoy life every day. You don’t have a food that is off limits. You are not striving to be 100 lbs soak and wet. You ENJOY the cardio you do. You love to bike and you have a great marriage. Okay, I have a great marriage too
.-= April´s last blog ..FOCUSED!!!! =-.
Simple answer? a resounding YES.
.-= Josie´s last blog ..It’s Official =-.
Do I censor? No, but I probably should
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Feelin Groovy =-.
You are DEFINITELY one of my role models. I have learned so much from your blog and seeing cupcakes, etc on your blog doesn’t bother me at all because I can see that you have a healthy relationship with food- basically refer to my last post.
I often wonder if I should post some of the things that I eat- because I don’t feel like a very good “dieter” sometimes- but I think we all go through the same struggles and censoring some things is like making everything seem all perfect when in reality it’s not. I like a good, honest blog.
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Food Restrictions =-.
I do censor both my blog and FB, which is probably a good thing as I can be too open. And you are a wonderful role model for not only maintenance, but the art of living. Glad you put as much “out there” as you do!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Mishmash =-.
Wonderful thoughts on this Lori! As open and honest as I may seem on my blog, I do censor myself to an extent. No one needs to know how pooey I feel about the 5lbs I’ve gained this summer (although, I have been honest about the weight gain – that’s the reality of “maintenance” sometimes). I try to show both the healthy and not-so-healthy side. I do always keep in mind that I now have clients, co-workers, friends and family who read my blog. Also, now that I’m a “fitness professional” I always feel like some of my advice and workouts need to come with disclaimers! I feel a lot more accountable for the information I give out.
Oh, and I totally look at other bloggers as role models. If it wasn’t for blogs, I’d still be eating weight watchers bread and thinking that peanut butter is too calorie dense to eat
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Markets and Bars =-.
Role model. Wow. That’s a big position to fill. But you’ve definitely inspired me. I too am on the weight maintenance track. Just over six years and 65 lbs ago, I started losing. But you don’t see my heavy pics on my blog yet. Not that there are many since I’ve always been camera shy and I really was then. I love that you have your changing body right out there for everyone to see.
I wouldn’t relate to you if you were a perfectionist in eating. It’s the fact you eat “real” stuff that keeps me reading. I could be 10 pounds smaller, have been. But I was cranky and hungry and had no muscles to speak of. This is a happier weight. Now to just keep it that way. Please Lori… keep on posting!
.-= Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox´s last blog ..Loving the Lovin Scoopful & Ice Cream Giveaway!! =-.
Well…I look up to you! I think you are a good role model for maintaining weight loss and a healthy balance. If ONLY I could take a page from your book. None the less you motivate me to not give up!
As for your question on censoring…YES. I wish I didn’t and I wish I didn’t feel like I had to but not everyone in my world knows about my blog…and I think I like it that way. The people that need to know, know. And I like the support and feedback I get from the blogging community!
So glad the new wheels are treating you well!
Have a good week!
.-= Janna´s last blog ..Enough is Enough =-.
I think blogs have to be authentic. Generally, the more, the better. Struggle is authentic, in fact, it’s a major source of learning. I work in a field where a certain level of decorum is expected, so I self-censor for that kind of thing, but I try to be real about the food I eat. That being said, I feel a lot of (positive) pressure to succeed, so that my authentic blogging is helpful to others.
.-= Alan (Pounds Off Playoff)´s last blog ..Wayne Knight’s Pounds Off Profile- Hello- Weight Loss =-.
You are definitely a role model, a realistic one, and I have learned a lot reading your blog. In my blogging I try to be honest and positive but there are certainly things I don’t blog about because they feel too private to me. I think people should blog the way they want to blog and if people don’t like it, they don’t have to read it. We are all different!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Mobile Weekend =-.
To me you are a role model as you are one of the few bloggers I read who’s a great example of maintaining weight and enjoy the little pleasants of life such as cupcakes. When I grow up (= at goal weight) I want to be like you.
I don’t censor my blog but I don’t write about for example if I had words with the hub because it’s not fair to him. It’s my blog and not his. I’ve read mizfitz post about this and she asked if you can or can’t be negative on your blog. Only negative selftalk doesn’t attract me, those blogs I don’t read. But if you’ve had a bad day it’s okay to write about that. Life isn’t always pretty.
So keep on posting your cupcakes sweety and keep your blog the way you like it and want it to be, after all it’s your blog and who cares what someone else thinks about it: it’s a free blogworld. If people don’t want to read, don’t read.
thanks so much for continuing the convo!
Interestingly I DO censor my twitter.
in the sense of often I long to tweet how my child is stoming on my last nerve of the day and it is HOT and im crabby etcetc.
and I ALMOST tweet
but choose to text to friends instead.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..I have the NEED for Vibram Five Fingers SPEED =-.
I agree with Alan. Blogs need to be as real as the person writing it. You’re writing about YOU and YOUR life, not what other people think you should write about. I was chastised once for writing about food and not warning people in the title that the blog was about food. Whaaaa…? It’s my blog and if I want to talk about chocolate eclairs or tofu, I will. It’s how I life MY life, and if people are inspired, sobeit. If they’re offended, they don’t have to read. Role model? No. I don’t ever want that label or that burden.
I love your blog, Lori, because it’s honest. You’re right that there aren’t many folks out there in maintainance who blog. I believe our voices help people see the true nature of maintenance. What works for you may not work for someone else, but as Alan said, you can learn a lot from a blog.
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..Seeing Things For the First Time =-.
Great topic. As for cupcakes and cakes and cookies and all those delicious little treats, I think healthy bloggers do eat those. However, in moderation. Healthy people do everything in moderation and if they “fall off the wagon”, they realize it’s not the end of it all, they simply start on the right track the next day. Lori – I think you are the image of health. You do inspire and motivate by simply being you and doing what you like and eating what you like in a healthy way.
As for blog censoring, no… at least I don’t think so
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Lake Delta Triathlon and Favorite Oatmeal Cookies =-.
Diane wrote about the weight issue too & she could lose more weight but then how hard it is to stay that way…. this is what I said: Diane, I resemble your whole post in terms of what you do & I do the same. In addition, I am always changing things based on what my bod tells me I need to do & just to keep it guessing. As I age, this is much more important. You are right in terms of a lower weight. I have to work really hard to stay where I am right now. When people ask, I tell them that & also one can always make the choice to have a bit more body fat & a few pounds if they don’t want to struggle to maintain that lower weight & body fat. Right now it is worth it to me but who knows in the future as it is a very hard fight to stay like this….
I think you are a great role model Lori! I think we all can learn from each other. I like to show that as we age, we can still fight it. Yes, I fight a bit more than others but for now it is worth it & I still enjoy my bread & cookie treats & other things I want.. just not every day or all the time.
As for censoring, I do in a way keep all my mental craziness out of the equation as much as possible. I know I do sometimes talk about my own insecurities but on a whole, I am more about just trying to make people know they can do it!
As for the Panera coffee, I am with you.. NOT liking it!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Toning Shoes – The Good- The Bad- The Truth =-.
I try to be totally open and honest on my blog, so not much censoring happens. However, there are days that I am feeling very negative and I try and not be too much of a downer if I’ve already posted a bit with struggles a lot.
Oh, if this is censoring, then yes…I do not post personal information on my blog for safety reasons.
Sometimes I’m tempted to censor more because I now know for a fact that my own mom is reading my blog and some friends are too and that’s a little embarrassing for me. Then again, now they know about some real struggles I’ve had for food and maybe they’ll realize it’s more than just being a fat girl who can’t stick to a diet.
One of the things that drew me to your blog, Lori, was the fact that you eat “real” foods. You eat the occasional cupcake and you go for bagels regularly. I see how they fit into your life and how you are able to maintain your weight and I find that very encouraging. Keep posting about your maintenance life, because it sure helps to see someone living life to the fullest and keeping off their weight at the same time.
Oh, and…. I’m a coffee drinker, so coffee and a small cupcake and being able to maintain?? Awesome. 
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Weigh-In and Week 1 of Beck Solution =-.
You wrote so much good stuff in this post. I do think of you as one of my role models. Before meeting you I read your blog and loved it but after meeting you I loved it even more *smile*. I just think you are such a authentic person, very real, very sweet and know how to live a good life.
I agree too that there needs to be more maintaining blogs. I’m bad about not blogging everyday but I do try to check in as often as I can. I think it’s good for my accountability too.
As for your food pictures, I myself love them. I love that you work hard and you treat yourself to foods you love and you enjoy them. I still struggle sometimes with this and I still struggle with going overboard with foods I enjoy. With your help from seeing how you manage it does help me manage better and not feel guilty over things since I know I work hard.
I agree too that we have to pick a weight that we are comfortable with and that we can maintain. Sometimes I think I should weigh less but then I think would I be happy fighting myself all the time to stay there. Of course I’m new to maintanence so I still have plenty of time to adjust things and get myself use to being more comfortable with food. I really think that is one of the things I like the most about your blog too how comfortable you are with your food.
As for censoring our blogs, I think we all should strive to be ourselves. I think most if not all people start blogs to be accountable to themselves. For me, it was about getting out feelings I had too about tough things. I do think I was looking for some kinship too which I definitely found.
I’m happy to call you a friend Lori and I look forward to us being here in blog world together for a long time. *hugs*
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Anxiety Eating and Tips =-.
I think as bloggers we should be truthful about our slip-ups, our mistakes, as well as the good things. I have my bad food days where I eat things I know I shouldn’t. That’s real life and part of the journey.
I have a GT Express too! Just keep forgetting to use it. Hmmm… I’m thinking bacon and fried eggs tonight. Thanks for the idea!
I hope my comment about my Hubby and your ice cream cone didn’t get you going. The cupcakes yesterday looked delicious and I NO WAY begrudge you your maintenance. I admire that you are the way you are. And yes, you’re a role model.
I blog about my day and what I eat and how I move and exercise because I find it helps me be accountable and on track. I **know** I’m not a role model because I’m still struggling EVERY DAY. Maybe someday I’ll find my true voice, get more readers and feel like I’m being heard. Who knows.
I do SOME censoring tho. I try not to give my family’s names to preserve our anonymity, and just in my people I know in my “real life” stumble upon my blog. I still haven’t told most people that I’m “dieting” because I’ve failed too many times.
Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com
.-= Vee´s last blog ..Day 55 Sun Passion of the Ice Cream =-.
The rare occassions I actually update my blog I don’t censor what I eat. I think “normal” people eat cupcakes and stuff at times. In fact I get annoyed when I read blogs that say things like “I ate one bite of this cookie and that satisfied my sweet tooth”. LOL!
I do censor my blog and Facebook for language because otherwise I’d only have sailors for friends!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..My New Favorite Thing! =-.
I think it’s refreshing to read maintenance blogs and see that others have done the weight loss thing, and they are still eating real, delicious foods!!! Keep up the great work on this blog, I love reading it and look forward to it!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Holy YUM! =-.
Great post! For the most part, I don’t really look at other bloggers as role models: They are people, first and foremost, and make mistakes, and their methods are different from my own, so while I glean ideas and information from them, I don’t really see them as role models.
When it comes to censoring myself on Twitter or my blog, I definitely do to an extent. I don’t really talk about politics or religion (for argument’s sake) and I try not to swear in my blog/twitter, even though sometimes I let off a few curse words in real life. I’m still, however, VERY much myself and myself only on my blog/twitter. I try to stay true to who I am always.
You are for me, but more in a “enjoy reading + apply what works for me and use” vs. “slavishly follow” way.
That was (and continues to be) a cool discussion over at MizFitOnline. When I was first thinking about “getting healthy” (and that was before my diagnosis), I only knew two people in person that had overcome morbid obesity, and those people had accomplished that by enduring surgery and its aftermath. (It’s certainly not the “easy way” that a lot of people assume!) But had I not found maintenance blogs like yours and Lynn Haraldson-Bering’s and Debby’s-which showed the possibility of another way-and some of the type 2 diabetes blogs, I might have assumed that surgery was my only option. Fortunately, my medical team progressed from trying nutrition/exercise to medication, rather than pushing weight loss surgery; it’s being promoted more & more as a “cure” for type 2 diabetes.
As far as “censoring” goes on my own blog, I did set up my daily food log as a separate blog…of course, that’s the blog I find myself wishing I could be more…um…selective about what I show.
I write/edit with an eye toward protecting the feelings and privacy of my family and friends. Otherwise, it’s pretty true to how I am. As Hope mentioned, I don’t talk about politics or religion, either; but then, I don’t talk about them much in person.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 8-18-10 =-.
P.S. – I love the pictures, from roses to Rosie, from protein pancakes to Pixie, from chin-ups to cupcakes!
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 8-18-10 =-.
You most certainly are a role model. The fact that you are so honest about the trials of keeping 100 + pounds off is very refreshing and motivating! I think everyone loves to read success stories but yours is one step further, because you’re right-it’s relatively easy in the beginning when the weight is melting away, but what happens once you have to “go back” to normal? The answer is you can’t, you really have to make a lifestyle change, and your blog is a great reminder that we can all change for good if we really want to!
The main reason I latched on to your blog was because you were in maintenance. I wanted to be well acquainted with the habits of someone already there once I arrived. Maintenance has always been my undoing and I want to know what it looks like through the eyes of people doing it successfully BEFORE I get there. What you eat and what you do, IOW, your life, is why I read. Keep it up. Thanks!
.-= Sharon´s last blog ..No One Told Me About The Food! =-.
Hi Lori,
This is a great post. I’m in the weight loss phase, but I understand that when people reach the maintenance phase, they may eat a bit differently. I think your food’s healthy, and your fitness is phenomenal. To be expected to be a “role model” is asking a lot of someone. I view you maintenance bloggers as inspiration and wonderful people who share so much with all of us. A big thank you!
.-= Jane´s last blog ..Weekend Ramblings-Or-Have I Had Too Much Sun =-.
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