Well, this post is going to be a total bummer. We actually started the day off great and after a nice breakfast, we biked to the botanical gardens. We found out it was free admission, locked up our bikes and headed in. I was so incredibly happy and having such a wonderful time.
We came out and our bikes were gone. Somebody must have used bolt cutters to remove our locks and took our bikes away. I am incredibly sad about this. The bikes were just inexpensive Schwinn bikes. I can’t even imagine what they would want with them except maybe my clip pedals. We don’t know what other bikes were stolen from the rack. Can you believe this happened at the botanical gardens of all places? Thanks Montreal.
Of course, the logistics of getting around have changes. We ended up renting the Bixie bikes to get back to the B&B. Of course, without helmets as the helmets were locked up with the bikes. Bye-bye gold helmet.
I have some wonderful pictures of the botanical gardens, but I didn’t want to post them when I am kind of pissed off.
The bikes weren’t expensive, but you all know how much I loved this bike.
OMG! Who’d have thought? I’m so sorry Lori
Just remember, like my tree, they are replaceable.
.-= April´s last blog ..Flaunt it Friday…the 13th! =-.
I am so sorry! That really stinks. : (
.-= Pam´s last blog ..Darn Starbucks =-.
I feel so bad for you and John. This really, really sucks. I am sorry this happened to you.
Hugs to you.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..A Much Better Day =-.
OMG! THAT SUCKS! I can’t believe some a$$hole stole both your bikes. BASTARDS! I can’t even imagine how they could do it and get away with it in broad daylight. I know how much you enjoy biking and feel terrible you were robbed. I have an old Trek mountain bike sitting in VT that doesn’t get much use if you’re interested. On the bright side, this is a good excuse to treat yourselves to new and improved bikes. I hope you don’t let this ruin the remaining time in Canada.
That’s awful. I’m so sorry for you guys. I always think someone’s going to steal them from our bike carrier when we stop on our way somewhere, so I always make DH sit where we can keep an eye on them, but I never thought someone would use a bolt cutter. You and your bike have been through a lot together. I’ll be interested to see what you choose for your new bikes.
OH NO!!!! I’m so sorry. I’d be crushed if someone stole my bike. I hope that doesn’t ruin your vacation.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Veggie Pasta Salad Recipe =-.
OMG that is horrible. I am so sorry – what a terrible thing to happen, and especially on your vacation! I hate thieves. Is it wrong that I hope they crash while riding y’alls bikes and get severe road rash?
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Mishmash – and Scape Winner! =-.
Soooo sorry to hear this Lori. What a HUGE bummer.

Glad you were able to rent bikes and weren’t stuck.
Hope you can still enjoy your trip.
Will insurance cover the bikes at all? If so, maybe you can use that $ towards something really cool!
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..2 week training update =-.
Oh, how horrible! Something like that just makes you wonder what’s wrong with people.
Hope it works out well in the end somehow.
.-= Laura´s last blog ..GASP! Another Post- =-.
I’m so sorry that happened to you!! Hopefully your vacation will still be good.
.-= suzanne´s last blog ..Not too much happening around here! =-.
ohhh… As a canadian that makes me feel very ashamed. There are punks everywhere. But honestly.
Sorry to hear this. Hope you can find a new ride and helmet soon.
.-= Tamzin´s last blog ..Point formas I am tired! =-.
That’s just terrible- I can’t believe that. Someone stole my odometer off of my bike though.
But bikes are a lot more expensive!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Proud of My Workout =-.
Oh Lori i’m so sorry! Thats awful! You even had them chained up! I guess the chain only stops honest people. On the bright side at least they weren’t drop dead expensive bikes you heart might have truly stopped if that happened. I know mine would have. I saw some pretty neat bikes at a bike shope today. Lowest price point was $750 for a road bike. You should see the way they shift now using the break handle! Really cool!
Well girl keep in mind what goes around comes around. ((hugs)) deb
So sorry to hear!
Oh no! I’m so sorry. What a stinky thing to happen, especially on your vacation.
Shoot, I am really sorry to hear about the bikes!!!!! I also hated when you were injured and were more than willing to put the sweat and energy into working out, but were limited in what you could do. You had an AMAZING perspective on that and I really admired you for for it. I bet in 24 hours you will still be sad about the bikes, but will still enjoy a great vacation with your strength.
Sorry to hear this Lori, unbelieveable, I know how you feel, never had my bike stolen, but did have my house robbed 2 years ago
.-= Ron´s last blog ..48 hours into the antibiotics =-.
Oh, that’s absolutely horrible!! I am sooo sorry to hear about this, what a complete bummer (in lieu of other words I could use…) while you’re on vacation.
I hope you guys can still try to have a good vacation though.
.-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog ..hallelujah! =-.
That sucks like no tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry Lori! I know your love of bike riding and that bike! HUGS!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Saturday Funny =-.
Oh, Lori! That stinks. I’m so sorry…and on vacation too.
.-= Leah´s last blog ..My Heart Hasnt Been In It =-.
I’m so sorry, Lori and John! That’s just a rotten thing to have happen on your lovely time away.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..No-Weigh Friday =-.
Unbelievable. Were yours the best bikes there? Are schwinns a rarity in Canada. I am getting a little laugh out of Shelley’s comment–hope it made you laugh too.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Moving Forward =-.
Oh, that is horrible! I feel so bad for you guys.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..This and That =-.
Oh my Lori I’m so sorry. I never understand why people can’t leave other peoples belongings alone. Yes the bikes are replaceble but it’s a bummer that this should happen to you on your well deserved vacation.
Aw that really stinks! I hope you don’t hold it against Montreal
Debby – schwinns are not a rarity here. You can find them in any Walmart type store.
Seriously?! What is wrong with people!!!! Sorry, Lori
Don’t let that put a damper on your wonderful vacation!
.-= Marisa @ Loser for Life´s last blog ..The Apocalypse =-.
Dang! What a way to ruin a day!
I’m so sorry, Lori (and John!) And angry beyond words. I simply don’t understand the mentality of people who would take something that doesn’t belong to them.
I don’t suppose you had Kryptonite locks? They have an anti-theft program that might help a little.
.-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Best Compliment Ever =-.
Lori I am so sorry this happened to you and John. We usually treat our visitors better than that. I don’t think we have Schwinn bikes in Canada. At least we didn’t when I was a child. Montreal is such a beautiful city, I hope you can continue to enjoy it. They have an excellent metro system as well as the rental bikes.
Oh no! So sorry! And it makes you depressed re humankind.
I hope you have a bike you love just as much in your near future. And do post some pics, I love flowers
.-= Elaine´s last blog ..Roadblocks =-.
Oh, I am so sorry that your bikes were stolen!! Reading about you & your love of biking, it’s like it’s a part of you. Sometimes some people really suck.
In February, some people were at a flyball tournament in Montreal, preparing to drive home. They stopped at a restaurant with their 4 dogs out in the car. Yes, the car was stolen. The next day the dogs were found in a nearby park, tied to a tree. http://www.ottawasun.com/news/ottawa/2010/02/21/12974971.html
I hope you find a new bike soon… and on sale
.-= Barbe´s last blog ..July =-.
I read you’re blog just about every day, and although I next to never comment I love reading about what you are up to, what you’re making yourself to eat, and all about your bike trips. I just had to say how sorry I was to read this morning that your bikes were stolen. I know how much you loved them.
I hope you’ll be able to pick out an awesome replacement soon. I look forward to reading all about that experience!
I know I am late posting this, but just to let my opinion be known, this kind of thing really irritates me!