100-pound anniversary

June 18th.  Today is the day that I celebrate another year of keeping off at least 100 pounds!  I am still not at the magical goal number (or maybe I am….), but the weight that I did lose is staying off.   That is more important to me than reaching goal.

2 years ago, I bought a rose bush to celebrate hitting 100 pounds lost and planted it in my garden.  I was excited when it came back last year and bloomed at about this time (appropriate!).

This year, I was worried about my rose bush. I thought the last freezes we had might have killed it because the growth started so late, but it is blooming again right now as a reminder of what is possible.

Also, the fact that it made it through some late hard freeze and continued to thrive is sort of representative of the challenges that we face in losing and keeping off weight and yet it can be done.  It is not always an easy road, but it is certainly a travel-able road.

In the past year (June to June), I have done

I’ve kept the weight off through a year’s worth of holidays, birthdays, celebrations,  various binges, a cruise, and an injury.  Of course, this isn’t to say the weight has remained the same.  I have ranged around in a 10-pound area with 145 seeming to be the sweet spot where my body gravitates.  I really struggled last summer learning how to feed my body while training for a triathlon.  I was trying to do that and lose weight, which do not necessarily go hand in hand.  I found my body just fluctuates a lot, and that is okay.  I know how to handle it now (not that I am always successful).

Flash back to 5 years ago at 250 pounds:

Here is a shot I took this morning of the jeans I am wearing in the above picture.  24W.  I kept this pair as a reminder of where I never, ever want to be again.

I can’t believe I used to fill these jeans up.  It’s embarrassing, really.  I have this strange mixture of pride and shame about the weight loss.  Shame that I ever disrespected myself enough to get so large and yet pride that I was able to take the weight off and treat my body the way I need to in order to be healthy and fit.

Now a couple fun shots.  2 years ago at 150 being a superstar :mrgreen: :

This week at 145 trying the same pose:

Not much weight difference, but a big body composition change with the strength training.  I do have a fair amount of loose skin, particularly in my butt/legs, but it has firmed up some over time.   I wasn’t even sucking in my tummy LOL!  And I swear my butt looks a little higher??  Go squats!  Lift those weights, ladies!! (and guys).  It’s kind of neat that the older I get, the more revealing my clothes are, and I am embracing the imperfections rather than trying to hide them.

I hope that next year I will be posting again with pictures of this rose bush.  When I tuck it away for the winter and start checking on it again next spring to see how it weathered the winter months, I hope we meet again in the same spirit.

50 thoughts on “100-pound anniversary

  1. Lisa

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That’s wonderful that you are keeping it off. Isn’t that harder than the actual losing??

    And I love the idea of planting something that grows back every year to celebrate.
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Weekend Report Card =-.

  2. Pam

    Happy Anniversary! What am amazing thing to be able to celebrate! I agree – huge difference in body composition – you are doing fantastic….I only aspire to do a fraction of what you accomplished. Amazing.
    .-= Pam´s last blog ..Weigh In For June 18, 2010 =-.

  3. KCLAnderson (Karen)


    And yes the difference between 250 and 150 is certainly amazing, but the difference between 150 and 145 tells it all! I have a friend who showed similar differences in just few pounds with working out. Just goes to show that exercise really makes all the difference!
    .-= KCLAnderson (Karen)´s last blog ..I’m In Love With Kettlebells =-.

  4. Susanlucy

    Congratulations! Love the idea of planting a rose, seeing you holding up your old trousers is just great! well done…impressive and inspiring 🙂
    .-= Susanlucy´s last blog ..Horrid Day =-.

  5. MB

    Happy 100-pound Anniversary! Thank you for encouraging me to get into the weight room at the gym. I’m not loving it yet but I’m working on it. I think I even got a peek at the muscles hiding under my fat. I can’t wait to see pictures of your roses next year.
    .-= MB´s last blog ..Combined Challenges =-.

  6. Sadaf

    Wow – pictures sure are worth a 1,000 words. You look fantastic! And good for you for maintaining a loss over time. You’re inspiring! And you’re a perfect example of how a fit and toned person doesn’t look like the number they weigh on the scale. Meaning, I’d never guess you weighed 145, I would have guessed at least 15 pounds less because you look so FIT!

  7. Heather

    You look amazing!! You have really inspired me to get back on track, after baby #2 is born, training for another race. Your blog is an awesome motivator, keep up the great posts, i check back often for motivation.

  8. Kim

    Way to go, Lori. I’m working to stay with you in that very small minority of people who lose weight and keep it off. One day at a time!

  9. Shelley B

    Congratulations and happy 100 pound anniversary!!! I remember when you hit it – I was maybe a month into my diet, and was so encouraged that someone my height and very near my original weight could lose 100 pounds…you gave me hope that it was possible. Thank you for that, and for telling your story along the way.

    Those pictures are so amazing. I know what you mean about being embarrassed with the size 24 jeans (I have that same size in a box in my closet) – but this is such a big accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself!

    BTW, that last picture? You make a strong case for workouts and weight-lifting! Everything is much more toned, and check out your bicep, lady! 🙂
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – Say Yes to the Dress Edition =-.

  10. Andra

    This post made me weep. Real tears! I’m so happy for you Lori! You are the reason why I lift heavy every time I go to the gym. You have proven that it’s not only possible but well and truly doable…enjoying food and fitness and fun. No fads, no drastic measures, no starvation. Thank you, thank you so much.
    .-= Andra´s last blog ..No-Weigh Friday =-.

  11. Jody - Fit at 52

    It is not always an easy road, but it is certainly a travel-able road. You said it Lori!!! AND it is well worth it!!!!! You are so friggin amazing!!! REALLY!!

    YES TO WEIGHTS!!!! You knew I woould say that!

    And so funny you said this: Not much weight difference, but a big body composition change with the strength training.

    I was going to make that exact comment!

    Lori, you have so much to be proud of…. no shame!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Salsa Recipe =-.

  12. Tish

    Congratulations! You look fabulous, and definitely more shapely even than last year. Love the rose, too. I like the idea of an anniversary rose.

  13. Sarah

    Absolutely amazing that you have lost so much, kept it off, and completely changed your body composition. I’m so so impressed and happy for you!

  14. Jess

    HOORAY to lifting and a firmer butt!

    And wow to the 100-pound anniversary. That’s phenomenal. I’m almost there myself (by almost I mean still 15 pounds away, but almost!).

    You’re an inspiration. Plus, I love that you strength train! I wish more girls would do it. It’s empowering and makes me feel strong and invincible.
    .-= Jess´s last blog ..Exercise vs. Training =-.

  15. Pingback: Tweets that mention 100-pound anniversary | Finding Radiance -- Topsy.com

  16. roxie

    Congratulations, Lori. I hope you enjoy your new life as much as you seem to. I’m very happy for you. You’ve worked so hard and inspired so many, myself included.

    Here’s to a lifetime of yellow roses and kept-it-off-aversaries.
    .-= roxie´s last blog ..Running The Numbers: Part The Fourth =-.

  17. Kimberley

    Congratulations Lori! I am so proud of you.

    I am amazed at the difference in the 150 and 145 pound pictures. Gotta love the iron!

    The rose bush is lovely…just like you!
    .-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Tough Yoga Class =-.

  18. debby

    CONGRATULATIONS, Lori! You look fantastic. And I love the idea of planting a rose to commemorate the anniversary.

    Seems all of us ‘100 pound girls’ get that pride/shame think . I have an old pair of sweat pants in my closet. Might have to post a pic someday. First I have to figure out what date my ‘anniversary’ is. Gotta get out my old W.W. stuff. I’m like you too, a little bit more willing to wear form fitting clothes.
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Noah and Me and Fried Rice =-.

  19. Julie

    Congrats Lori! I love to read people success so inspiring that you took the weight of a safe and healthy way and that you have successfully kept it off. I started out at about the same weight as you (253) and wearing size 24 pants. It is so encouraging to see that it is possible.
    I think I will lift in the morning now before Zumba.
    Congrats again, I will look for your blog next year and more blooms on your rose bush.
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..Thursday nights WW Meeting Topic.. Tracking =-.

  20. Amy

    WOW!!! Congratulations! What an awesome journey you have made and kudos to you for keeping it off, which is hard. You have really made a complete change of lifestyle – which is what they have been telling us for years is what it takes to get the weight off and keep it off forever, which I am very confident you will do!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Fit Friday & Go USA! =-.

  21. Dawn

    Lori, I just smiled and smiled reading this post. Happy Anniversary!!! You are such an inspiration to me with how positive you always are. I aspire to be that way someday too. I’m lucky to call you a friend. *big hugs*

  22. Alissa

    Simply amazing. I love the fact that you planted a rose bush for your 100 lbs. I’ll have to do something like that, too. 🙂 You can really see a big difference in those last 2 photos- you have toned! So inspiring to see your old jeans!
    .-= Alissa´s last blog ..Lost =-.

  23. kalli@fitandfortysomething

    oh Lori I am in awe of you-really…….you have come so far and are such an inspiration daily on how you can eat well (and eat bagels) and work out and be healthy and fit. i am so proud of you and so proud of us 40 somethings. so many women are scared to eat at our age. i want to live life fully-workout and yes lift weights-they are the best, eat good food, and still be fit 🙂 thank you for this 🙂
    .-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..Rest Week =-.

  24. Bernadette

    Hi Lori, I found you thru Kalli (fitandfortysomething) and wanted to say what an inspiration your story is! You are the REAL DEAL and I can’t wait to read more. I too am a forty-something and YOU my dear are a breath of fresh air!!

    Congratulations on your weight loss, your happiness and your amazing attitude!! Great to “meet” you!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. Fitcetera

    Congratulations, Lori!!!! Like Steve, I always have to remember that you ever had a weight problem.
    I LOVE your Superstar pose! 😀
    I also love “skinny person in their fat pats” poses. You can’t get that kind of effect with just words.
    Lori, you’re an inspiration for a lot of us who are worried that we won’t be able to keep it off once we hit goal. You’re proving that statistics are rubbish if you change your lifestyle and not just “go on a diet”.
    You ARE a SuperStar! ?????
    .-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.

  26. Mabel @ Eat, Move & Live!

    Lori, you are such an amazing INSPIRATION. I cannot express with words how much you’ve motivated me. I’ve struggled greatly with keeping the weight off and I took “fluctuate” a whole lot. However, seeing how you’ve managed to keep off 100 pounds for such a long time makes me know for sure that IT CAN BE DONE. Its possible!!! thank you for setting such a great example. Happy “weight loss anniversary”. 🙂
    .-= Mabel @ Eat, Move & Live!´s last blog ..So far yet so Close =-.

  27. Megan

    Congrats. That’s so exciting. I like this It’s kind of neat that the older I get, the more revealing my clothes are, and I am embracing the imperfections rather than trying to hide them I’m that way too. That’s the thing running has taught me. This body, these big legs are strong and can take me as far as I want to go.

  28. Susan

    I LOVE this post!!! Funny that you mentioned you maintained your weight loss during a cruise – don’t think you could gain all 100 back in a week! 😛 And HECKYES to weight lifting!! Every woman who has lost a significant amount of weight should weight train. It has done amazing things for both my body composition and confidence, something that shedding weight alone never did. You’re amazing Lori!! 😀
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Tourist For A Day =-.

  29. Carol

    I just recently hit my 100 lb. milestone and I love reading about your maintenance. Your weight lifting videos inspired to start lifting weights and while I’m very much still lifting light weights, I can already see a difference (especially in my arms). Congrats on maintaining! You look amazing.

  30. Pingback: Wednesday’s Wisdom on Thursday « Krista's Krumbs

  31. John

    Congrats Lori! Is it a coincidence I read this post the day I post I’ve actually hit 100lbs lost? Hopefully one year from now I’ll be able to report the same success you have had. Nice rose! I probably should plant one too as there’d be less grass to cut as a side benefit 🙂

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