Still more hot weather, will it ever end?? It was already pretty warm when I biked to the gym.
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Chin ups | 2 set of 2, 3 sets of 1 | Upper body |
Good mornings | 3 sets of 10 with 45# bar | Hammies and low back |
Incline chest fly | 3 sets of 12 with 15# DBs (30# total) | Chest |
Plank | 3 sets of 1-minute holds | Core |
Cable squat to row | 3 sets of 10 at 50# | Back and legs |
Upright row | 3 sets of 12 with 25# bar | Shoulders |
Cable triceps pulldown | 3 sets of 15 at 30# | Triceps |
Loved the combo moves today to make best use of my time!
Strength training move of the week.
No video today because it is the plank! No need for video, because that would be pretty boring.
(This is the spare bedroom in my house) The plank is a fabulous core exercise, and quite difficult when performed correctly. You want to keep in as straight a line as possible here. Don’t let your hips pop up (cause they will want to), and keep your abs pulled in so your middle doesn’t sag. Work on increasing your hold times. Before I hurt my back, I was able to do a 2-minute plank, although I think I saw through time near the end of that. Today, I did 1-minute holds. The fun part of the plank is being able to feel the loose skin of your thighs and tummy hanging there…. For an added challenge, you can do the plank on your side.
I love how some guy (who has been a bit chatty with me of late) came up today while I was doing the plank and said “So, working your core, huh?” I didn’t want to be rude, but it is very hard to talk while doing a plank, so I kind of grunted out a ‘yes’. Not sure if he thought I was practicing to be a coffee table or what.
John met me at the gym and we biked to Cool Beans today. The outdoor patio was set up, so we ate outside. Forgot our travel coffee cups, so I grabbed the big cup.
Now that is what I’m talkin’ about! It’s even labeled magnum LOL! Whole wheat bagel with plain cream cheese – so no added sugar there.
Bike ride today was 13 miles. We were pretty sweaty when we got back and it was only 9:30. Temps reached 91 today.
It was so hot that the kitty broke!
(How come she doesn’t herniate her disk??? Not fair.)
Lunch time and I decided to put the rest of that stuffed pepper filling on top of some scrambled eggs. It was really good!
The carrots, on the other hand, were pretty lame. On the old side and the end of that bag, thank goodness.
Buzzed right through work today. Had a latte:
and one of my favorite snackies!
I was reading an article today about the worst fast food meals:
The top 10 deadliest fast food meals:
1. Wendy’s Baconator Triple, 1330 calories and 38 grams of saturated fat
2. Sonic’s SuperSonic Cheeseburger, 980 calories and 24 grams of saturated fat
3. Burger King’s BK Quad Stacker, 930 calories and 28 grams of saturated fat
4. Domino’s Bread Bowl Pizza, 670 calories and 22 grams of saturated fat
5. In & Out Burger’s Double Double With Onion, 670 calories and 18 grams of saturated fat
6. Arby’s Large Beef n’ Cheddar, 650 calories and 11 grams of saturated fat
7. Popeye’s Breast-Leg-Biscuit, 640 calories and 15.5 grams of saturated fat
8. Taco Bell’s Chipotle Steak Taco Salad, 900 calories and 11 grams of saturated fat
9. White Castle’s Sack of 4 Cheeseburgers, 680 calories and 16 grams of saturated fat
10. Jack in the Box’s Jumbo Jack With Cheese, 620 calories, 15 grams of fat
Okay. Let’s get real people. Is there anyone on earth that would get the baconator and be concerned about calories?? And do you care about fat if you are buying a sack of cheeseburgers? Don’t give us the info on meals like this. Make a point to list calories of things we *think* should be good, but aren’t, like fast food salads. You know, the stuff that sneaks up on you. Let the people who want to eat their quad stackers eat in peace.
Okay, rant over. I snacked on some nuts while roasting up some sweet potato for dinner.
Something I need to be careful with this week is the nut snacking. It’s taking the place of the other nibbles I would have had like ginger chews or cereal or crackers.
Dinner was some lemon pepper shrimp with the roasted sweet potato chips (gotta love toaster ovens in the heat!).
Tonight I have bananas in the fridge to make the banana soft serve. I’m wanting something sweet today, so need to try that. I’ll let you know how it comes out!
Question: Have you tried the plank yet?
Back when I was in better shape I could hold the plank for about 30 seconds. I am weak, weak, weak and every time I try lifting weights again my tendinitis acts up.
Funny Pixie.
Sweet potato chips are so good!
It is really, really hot here too. Hopefully it breaks soon.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..The Pool is Open! =-.
I agree that the type of person that would order the baconator probably doesn’t care too much about calories, however, I think that posting the information is important, because it is undoubtedly enlightening! When I was overweight, I would often order that stuff and just be in denial about what was in it. The way I see it, knowledge is power!
Oh, and heck yes on those caloric salads. YIKES! That is why posting the info on menus is so important, in my opinion!
Your dinner looks absolutely delicious. It’s been too long since I’ve had sweet potato fries.
.-= Detective Lara´s last blog ..Healthy and Sane: A Guest Post =-.
The first time I did the plank, I held it for 1 second. Yes, you read that correctly. One whole second! That was about 5 weeks ago. I’m at 20 seconds now
What temp and for how long do you roast your sweet potatoes? I can never get mine to brown up like that!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Strength Training ~ Rachel =-.
I do the sweet potatoes in the toaster oven at about 400 degrees. Cook for 10 minutes, then flip and cook for another 15 or so. The key is thinner slicing, I think.
Also – you won the gummy vitamin giveaway, did you know that?
The plank is HARD. I am not quite there yet to do it for very long.
And you are so right….it’s the little “nibbles” that add up fast. It’s easy to forget about them too.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Dinner and Lost Finale =-.
I used to do planks but haven’t done them lately.
Those fast foods numbers are insane!
.-= April´s last blog ..Do you live in an active city? =-.
Would you believe I just started doing planks this past year? I don’t where I had been but I hadn’t heard of them. Two minutes is amazing Lori!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Subway Gift Card Giveaway! =-.
Our BodyPump class has planks in the latest routine. Ow, those are hard. And I remember when I first saw a picture of someone doing a plank…it looked like it would be so easy! Boy, was I rudely surprised!
I hear you on the nuts. Why do they have to be so non-messy and convenient?!?
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Sad News Today =-.
Oh my gosh…this is my ABSOLUTE favorite thing you said: “The fun part of the plank is being able to feel the loose skin of your thighs and tummy hanging there…. ” Sometimes I get so annoyed with the leftover skin that always just seems to get in the way, but this thought changed my thinking around! How awesome that it’s loose skin now and not filled out differently?! Plus, anything to make plank fun:)
.-= Carter´s last blog ..Unlikely Inspiration =-.
Totally makes sense: someone who would order a baconater would care less about calories! and to post calories on the health-conscience foods.
I love the plank move! I do it in between sets sometimes and yes, my stomach skin sags down so much I am surprised it doesn’t hit the floor! LOL
Have never done a plank–hangs her head. It is one of the moves on my yoga workout, but I’ve always skipped that one. Guess I should start working on it. I certainly could go for the nut butter stuffed date though–mmm. One thing about your list, the only thing on there that I ever possibly ordered was the KFC chicken. Even in my unenlightened days I knew that a Baconator Triple was not a good move.
I used to do plank more often when I did Pilates. Love your strength workout – awesome combo of moves. Too funny about the coffee table, LOL!
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Speedy Day =-.
Dang. What are yougoing to do with a broken kitty?
I’m a fan of the plank. I seem to strain my neck when doing ab work. Plank doesn’t do that. But it does stress my bum knee a bit.
.-= megan´s last blog ..Virtual “Finish Chelsea’s Run" Race Report =-.
It really bothered my leg when I hurt my back and I couldn’t do the plank for about a month. Makes you realize that it really is a total body exercise, doesn’t it?
so love the plank! those calorie counts are disgusting-and i love your date/almond butter sanck-the best in my book!
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..Continue the Feelings =-.
Only you could make a plank fun
You have great plank form!
.-= Jen, a priorfatgirl´s last blog ..Running through a crime scene =-.
Good post, Lori. I do planks occasionally. Need to add them back in to the regular rotation. Because I need to work my core more.
And your rant cracked me up. I used to eat fast food almost every day, and reading that list, I thought, all that stuff sounds gross to me. At least some things have changed! And yes on the dates. But I like mine with walnut pieces–heaven! Ooh I’m anxious to hear how you like the banana stuff.
And can you believe that here in sunny California I have had a fire in my woodstove all day? Just had thunder and lightning too.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Everything Takes Time =-.
We did the plank several times today, ironically enough! And the most I can grunt out while doing them is “time?” or “how much longer?” – planks are not meant for conversations, lol!
Oh, and speaking of loose skin – look down at your thighs the next time you do mountain climbers…if you are like me, it will be pretty creepy (or is that crepey?)!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..A Little Bragging… =-.
Yes, the legs and stomach have a whole different landscape than they used to have….
I definitely need to incorporate the plank more into my workout!
.-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog ..mental Monday =-.
I haven’t been doing the planks regularly, but I need to add them back into the rotation. So many moves, so little time…. Maybe I’ll add them on my cardio-only days. They’re great for commercial breaks.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..More Thoughts on Judging =-.
That plank it hard! Yep you look like a coffee table.. lol
I tried your breakfast in a jar today. I put a blog on it about it hope it is ok I linked it to your post on your breakfast in a jar. Mine didn’t have fluff in it so probably not as yummy.
Thanks for being such an inspiration. I love your blog.
.-= julie´s last blog ..Breakfast in a Jar. =-.
Thank you!
love the plank! also: “Make a point to list calories of things we *think* should be good, but aren’t, like fast food salads.” AGREED.
.-= janetha´s last blog ..random to the max. =-.
It’s nice to read that your riding your bike so frequently again.
I can do a plank for I think about 20 seconds, bet you that you can hold on longer
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Monday May 24, 2010 =-.
planks kick my BOOTY (or more aptly put my CORE :)).
after almost 41 years.
do they ever get easier?!
.-= Miz´s last blog ..Raising a child (or spousepartnerfriend) who likes to exercise. =-.
Ooooh, Lori, you should e-mail me that photo and I’ll use it in my post tonight on planks!! Your form is much better than anything I’d find on a Google image search
I’ve been taught that plank is the best core exercise there is. Ever. And I believe it. The only time you ever notice strength gains with crunches in when you’re doing actual crunches. But with isometric core exercises, you can feel yourself becoming stronger and more balanced in everyday life – like on the bike!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..The Non-Backyard BBQ =-.
I can send that photo to you, that is very nice of you to say about my form LOL!
The plank is one of the exercises I consistently do. I love it!
Thx for the Pixie pic!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, the planks.. YUP, do those babies in more ways than we can count!
I also like doing them with my hands on the BOSU (either side) and feet on a stability ball!
Congrats on that great workout & bike ride. You deserved that coffee & bagel!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Mental Muscle, Mind Over Matter & Me Power =-.
“Let the people who want to eat their quad stackers eat in peace.” Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I read this or it would have been all over my computer screen. Thanks for the giggle.
i hate planks! but maybe ill do one in a couple minutes just to show it who’s boss (lol). thanks for that list—that’s disgusting.
.-= Kenzie (Healthy Purpose)´s last blog ..Raw Tart Chocolate Crumble =-.
Not gonna lie…I would actually eat most of those “bad” things you listed above, esp the In-N-Out double burger. Mmm…But then, I don’t do this often. I eat relatively healthy, so I think I deserve a treat here and there!
Planks are HARD! I can’t last more than a few seconds until I fall flat on my face!
Yes, I’ve tried planks. They are great, but hard. I’m happy if I can stick it out for 30 seconds, but I think I’ve done a whole minute once.
I look forward to the day my stomach is as far off the ground as yours.
Oh, and I agree with you about calories for mega-burgers. I know when/if I choose to eat one of those I’m not really concerned about the calories or fat..I know it’s a lot and it’s usually a treat.
Loved pic of hot kitty!
Yeah the plank is good and tough!
Great plank! I can usually hold mine 45 seconds then collapse. I need to get in practice.
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Fiesta chicken! =-.
Pingback: The Perfect Plank | The Great Balancing Act
Plank is so hard! You look super strong in that picture!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Yesterday’s Weigh In =-.
always enjoy the food pics, but must admit: LOVING the kitty photo! Steals my heart! and yes, how DO they stay so limber?? LOL Have a great weekend, friend! HUGS from Orlando! r.
.-= Robin/Orlando Turtle Runner´s last blog ..The Bucket List: Running-Style =-.
Wow that’s a great plank you do look super strong. I think I’m rather droopy with mine lol. 2 mins wow I don’t think I’ve tried past 90 seconds. Loved the pictures of Pixie, she is just so darn cute.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Company =-.
Yes, I’ve tried planks. They are great, but hard. I’m happy if I can stick it out for 30 seconds, but I think I’ve done a whole minute once.
I look forward to the day my stomach is as far off the ground as yours.
Oh, and I agree with you about calories for mega-burgers. I know when/if I choose to eat one of those I’m not really concerned about the calories or fat..I know it’s a lot and it’s usually a treat.
Loved pic of hot kitty!