Just breathe

Had a good night’s sleep last night, which felt very good!  I made myself a protein drink and headed out to the gym:

Bottom’s up!

I rode the stationary for 15 minutes, then did a longer lifting routine today:

  • Chin ups.  From a box, so really 1/2 chins:  1 set of 4, 2 sets of 3.
  • Cable squat to row:  3 sets of 15 at 40#
  • Pushups:  3 sets of 10
  • Straight arm pulldown:  3 sets of 15 at 40#
  • Rope crunch:  3 sets of 15 at 20#
  • Lying triceps extension:  3 sets of 15 with 10# DBs
  • Upright row:  3 sets of 10 with 25# bar
  • Pliet squats:  3 sets of 10 with bodyweight (this hurt a little)
  • Biceps curls:  3 sets of 15 with 25# EZ curl bar

I decided to keep the weights lower and do more reps.  I was going to start the endurance phase of strength training in May, but may as well start it now since I am hampered a little bit anyway.  Then I got on the treadmill for the first time since the injury.  I could only walk at 2 mph LOL!   That lasted about 5 minutes before I got back on the bike for a bit.

Came home undecided for breakfast, which is unusual.  Normally I have already planned out my meal while I work out 😀

I chose banana custard oats topped with some nuttzo and a sprinkle of dried cranberries.  Really good.

This is a new bowl I bought for myself on Saturday.  On sale for $5 from $14!

I figured the morning would start out as normal, but alas, it was not to be.  The house closing has all kinds of stressful snafus, including much miscommunication between lawyers.  Nobody informed my lawyer they wanted to close tomorrow, so my lawyer didn’t tell me that I needed to order the mortgage payoff letter from my lender, since they didn’t know we were ready to close.  Apparently this is new legislation with banking privacy laws and the home owner has to do it now?  First I have heard of it.  So that means delay until that letter gets through.  I had to go fax a request with 1000 urgents written all over it.  I cannot get through to the payoff department directly by phone (WTF?).

This is not a face that you want to have looking at you, let me tell you.  And then the buyer’s agent is flipping out today about a car in the driveway at the house (which is actually gone as of the writing of this post) and are threatening to not close if it isn’t gone.  Chill out people.  Do I not own this property until we actually close?  You can bitch after the walk through, and not before.  I am so not radiant about this right now.  I am trying really, really hard not to stress snack.  I just want this over.  I need to remember all this if I am thinking of flipping another house.

I cannot control what other people do. I can only control my reactions.  Breathe in and out.  This will pass… It means nothing in the larger scheme of things.


Lunchtime involved some wrappage:

Tuna wrap!  I stopped getting the wraps for a while, but decided I wanted them again.  Hello Rutville, it’s good to be back.

John made lattes and I had my chocolate fix this afternoon:

Then I popped over to the property to make sure said car was gone (and it was).  I feel better about that, but there is a futon frame in the back that we need to remove.  I feel like my radiance got buried under lawyers, former tenants, and real estate agents!   John has been studiously avoiding saying anything that might get me riled up today.  I think he wants to fly under my radar right now LOL!  That’s a good thing.  ( He is a smart man.)

Dinner time brought on a baked crab cake (from frozen) and brussels.

I was pretty close to deep frying this because John was frying up sweet potato fries for himself (which I snuck a few of).

I need to relax and recoup tonight, as well as finish up work.  All that running around and phone calls means I had to flex work hours to tonight.  I am feeling much better about the whole thing, though, and my sense of humor about it has returned.

I’ve got a cup of tea and a hand full of ginger chews to tide me over – fingers crossed for no over snacking!

24 thoughts on “Just breathe

  1. Lynn Haraldson-Bering

    I took a deep breath after reading this. See? Your advice is already having an affect. Or is it effect? Anyway, hope all gets resolved soon.

    BTW, everytime I look at your food photos I think of “When Harry Met Sally.” …I’ll have what she’s having.
    .-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..On Anger =-.

  2. Barb

    Hey Lori! Wow….I can’t believe I’ve missed the past couple weeks of reading. I have no idea where the time goes. I’m so happy to see you feeling better and getting back into the routine! Awesome about the magazine. I must go out and buy it!!!
    .-= Barb´s last blog ..Checking In. =-.

  3. Shelley B

    Slow deep breaths…tomorrow WILL be a better day. It’s so crazy what happens around house closings, but it will be over soon and you will be back to normal. Hang in there!

    Oh, and nice work at the gym! You are really doing great working around your injury.
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Joe Conway Memorial 5K Run =-.

  4. debby

    Ooh, I’ve only ever bought one house, but I remember how stressful ‘they’ tried to make it. If you don’t stress snack from that, you can count yourself set for life!

    Sounds like you are moving right along with your workouts. Good for you!
    .-= debby´s last blog ..What’s it All About, Anyway? =-.

  5. Susan

    Something I’ve learned in my most recent job, is that people tend to put pressure on me when they realize they’re not doing their own job correctly. In other words, it’s their problem, don’t let them make you think it’s yours. It will get sorted out soon!!!

    In other news, I totally got excited about that new bowl. I definitely need a life 😛
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Confessions of a Part-Time Blogger =-.

  6. cammy@TippyToeDiet

    Hope all the stressy-ness is soon a thing of the past!

    You mentioned the cable squat/row thing on my blog the other day, and I meant to look it up. You’re right: I probably will enjoy this! I’ll let you know tomorrow! 🙂
    .-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Breaking News!! =-.

  7. roxie

    Sounds like selling a house is as stressful as trying to buy one! I love your advice and will do my best to heed it today.

    Good for you on finding a way to get some exercise, even while not fully recovered. And that is a serious face, for sure.

    Hope it all smooths out.
    .-= roxie´s last blog ..More pics;No News =-.

  8. Amy

    Stress snacking – yikes! I fall into that trap easily too…
    BTW, my mom mailed me your magazine article and I just got it today – it’s great! She also sent Diane’s … I am so proud of both of you!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Quick update =-.

  9. Dawn

    Repeating to myself Lori:

    “I cannot control what other people do. I can only control my reactions. Breathe in and out. This will pass… It means nothing in the larger scheme of things.”

    Thanks for writing that.

    Hope everything went ok with the letter and that you’re headed to closing SOON.
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..It’s not always about me =-.

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