I am so tired! I decided last night to let myself take a day off from exercise today and sleep in a little, which was kind of nice
I was out late last night doing dog training and then shopping for that last minute outfit. FYI – we don’t own a dog, just this goober:
I am helping my sister do obedience with one of her Clumber Spaniels. I somehow volunteered myself for this…. It’s every Wednesday night. My parents are also there with their new lab Lizzie.
I made up pumpkin custard oats for breakfast today. I will do a step-by-step post for this on Friday.
Yum! Worked in the morning until it was time to meet the photographer. I have decided not to post actual photos of the shoot itself, as I don’t want the publisher to get upset. They did not tell me not to post anything, but probably prudent not to. Here are just a few of getting ready:
Colleen met me there to take pictures for me! Yay! John came as well. 2 ladies in their early 40s, can’t you tell?
The photographer, whose name is Sara, brought along a makeup artist Wasn’t expecting that. I was freaking out that it was too much makeup:
Eeek! I’m all worried here.
I put my foot down on the lipstick, though. Who wears lipstick to the gym?
I had a very good time – it was fun when we got started. Once the issue comes out, I’ll share pictures of the goings on. Sorry! Here I am chatting with Sara:
I’m talking to her about taking pictures. I was drooling over her camera! Sara does a lot fitness editorials, although much swankier than my gym based on her website! She was fun to work with and very nice. I think she is someone I would like to hang out with if she didn’t live in NYC!
Then it was back to work. Although I never look like this going to work:
Could I make my eyes any bigger? John was saying how strange it looked to see me so made up. I am an au naturale girl, for the most part.
Sigh….. Hopefully things will calm down a bit now. Life has been topsy-turvy since the end of January! Trying to work full time on top of all this has been really hard. I am going to have to work on Friday, which means another short weekend for me.
John was given the message to take me out to dinner because I was all tarted made up. So we went out for a super expensive cheap pizza joint dinner:
Broccoli and cheese wheat pizza wrap. Yay! I got in my broccoli
FYI – The 100 tips from 100 losers are up on the Dr. Oz website. Follow these tips, people. Advice given from those who walk the talk! Tip #2 – gotta love it!
Routines are good and it is going to feel really good to get back into my normal. My life has been so incredibly full lately. I am really looking forward to just going out for some coffee with John, sitting quietly and talking this weekend.
Need to work for a while tonight, then it will be electric blanket, flannel jammies, and the olympics! How’s that for relaxation?
Question: How do you relax?
Such wonderful things are happening for you, Lori. I’m so happy that you are getting to experience all these really awesome things and that you are sharing them with us.
As for the relaxing thing? Well, I don’t do it very well. It’s a skill set that I am learning.
Oh, and YAY Pixie pics!
.-= Roxie´s last blog ..Ode to a Shoulder Pad and My Boyfriend Blazer is Back =-.
Tarted! Great word! You look great, but man, who does wear that much make up to the gym?
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..I hugged Richard Simmons =-.
Absolutely you can rest now.
I get the doggie training now.
I find surfing the ‘net very relaxing and I love to read.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Worthy Cause Wednesday =-.
I’m so happy for you!!!! I told hubby about your big day too. :)It’s quite an honor to be chosen by Oz and now this!
That color blue looks very good on you. Good choice. And the makeup is quite nice too!
Congratulations. What a day to remember!
Looking forward to the steps on making the oatmeal.
Another “ask Lori” question: do you have a favorite brand of protein powder?
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..The Right to Bare Arms =-.
My friend shows a clumber spaniel and I love him! He’s so sweet! Can’t wait for you to post the pumpkin custard oats recipe. It sounds so interesting and looks delicious
.-= Kristen @ Change of Pace´s last blog ..Simple Eats – Eat simply =-.
You look great, but yes — who gets all made up to go to the gym?? I’ve seen people do it, but I just can’t understand. Glad you got your broccoli!
.-= Jane´s last blog ..Whew! Week One is Crazy =-.
Sounds like you had fun!
.-= 266´s last blog ..My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day =-.
Ha! I really had to laugh–we have parted ways finally! In answer to your question Who wears lipstick to the gym? Why, I do. Every single time. And I am not a big makeup person because I have allergies. But I don’t go too many places without my mascara, blush, and lipstick!
All this is so very exciting, and I hope you will remind us when the magazine comes out. But I am glad for you to be getting back to normal and being able to relax. I find that I get a little down when life gets too busy.
As for how I relax, why, I pour myself a good cup of coffee, and come over here to my computer and read Lori’s blog! Thanks for being such a faithful blogger!
Hey, when are we going to get some pictures of the dog training?
.-= debby´s last blog ..Checking In =-.
Wow- you really have had a lot going on lately! I bet you’re looking forward to relaxing.
You deserve it! You look gorgeous!!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..WI at Work Day =-.
You look nice tarted up! What a fantastic experience for you — so cool! I can’t wait for the issue to come out. Am going to run to buy it. That blue looks really nice on you too, if the photog didn’t already tell you.
You look beautiful tarted up – but I would agree, it feels SO different than what you normally do, I’m sure! And I agree…who wears lipstick to workout!?
Can’t WAIT for the magazine – I’ll purchase it just to see ya! LOL
.-= PTG´s last blog ..question =-.
You look pretty with the makeup, I dont think it was too much at all! I find in photos it’s always harder to tell if someone is wearing makeup as well.
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Sunny Vancouver =-.
It has been a wild ride for you lately – I guess it’s feast or famine, and when it hits, ya gotta run with it! You look fantastic and I love that you went out to dinner with your pretty made up face! Can’t wait to see the magazine with your pictures – this is so exciting!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – With Apologies to Clint Eastwood =-.
I don’t do gyms, but the idea of wearing makeup when working out seems like the kind of idea that only works for people who don’t sweat while they work out.
I used to be one of those people, because a) I didn’t work out very hard and b)I had a whacked out thyroid, which interferes with your ability to sweat.
Even with all that said, I must mention that your pictures look great!
.-= The Merry´s last blog ..There’s always something, there’s always someone =-.
This has been a lot of fun watching you experience all these exciting goings on.
I’m like Roxie … I have a hard time relaxing too. My mind races a lot.
If I can manage to quiet my thoughts, I love reading and also being snuggled up on the couch and watching a good documentary or chick flick.
I’m getting addicted to coffee, Lori. I blame you.
.-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.
Love the top you picked for the photo shoot – the blue looks good on you. I also never wear makeup to the gym – I hate to think of how it would get all clogged up in my pores as I am dripping with sweat!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Training for your first half marathon (or 20 K)! =-.
these posts have been so fun to read and to live vicariously through.
me? to relax? I yank the plug and grab a book.
no electronics just me the paper and some snacks.
I love your blog……Just passed by and had to take a look. Congrats on the weight loss! My sis is doing the same and I think has lost 80 by now. Slow and steady works! You look great….I feel the same way when I wear a lot of makeup. Like “who am I?”
Have a great day!
I’m a little disappointed that you wore long sleeves to your photo shoot because people will not be able to see your amazing arms. I’m sure it will be great though.
You have been on quite the whirlwind lately. I hope you get through your work quickly and are able to relax over the weekend.
You look sooo beautiful! How fun to have a photo shoot!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Are you joking??? =-.
I relax by lounging on the sofa with a blanket and some TV. I love mindless things.
.-= Ash @ Good Taste. Healthy Me´s last blog ..It’s a Beautiful Day =-.
I must say I like the makeup and you were right to not do the lipstick. It would have been too much. You picked a nice blouse to wear for the photo shoot. It brings out the colors of your eyes. How exciting to be so busy… but yes, we all need down time. Relax and enjoy the Olympics.
.-= Paula´s last blog ..This was the view outside my office as I was leaving work =-.
I am late to the game but LOVE that Pixie pic & perfect for your rest day. Too cute!!!!!
WOW on the shoot! Can’t wait to see the whole thing & yes, I am still jealous!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Make Your Dreams a Reality =-.
I have to ask – what did the gym owners think of you having a photo shoot in the gym? That must of been neat for them too – hopefully they get a shout out! And you look gorgeous both with and without the makeup, too funny you wouldn’t let them put lipstick on
I checked out that photographers website too – amazing work!
I relax by reading blogs, ie what I’m doing right now
.-= Susan´s last blog ..‘F’ is for Balance =-.
The gym owner was fine with the shoot. I needed to ask permission to shoot there. He stopped by during it while I was in makeup, so I didn’t get to see him. He is hoping to get a plug, but I don’t know quite what the mag will say for the article (which is scary in itself). I am not so sure some of the people working out liked me there. A lot of ‘light bulb’ guys were annoyed because we were taking up the cable machine space. Oh well!
Pictures of the photoshoot are great. I think the make-up looks great on you.
I relax by reading, watch one of my favourite tv shows, read some blogs or read on the womans forum I’m on, make a puzzle.
As my work is usually busy to extremely busy and I try to workout a lot I try to keep one day in the weekend free to do things I like.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Saturday February 20th 2010 =-.
I think your make-up looks really natural and pretty! It looks like you had a lot of fun Lori!!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..What Role Does Planning Play? =-.