It’s bagel day (or not!) and chin up video

Did another lifting routine today.  I need to sit down and sketch out a program to follow for a few weeks.  I tried another chin up – want to see? I actually shot this video just to show John, but I’ll share it with you, too!   Couple things: this was shot with the camera tipped up on a bench (which makes me look taller 😀  ), so it looks like I am up on the bar already.  I am standing on a milk crate to get up where I can grip the bar without having to jump up, so my arms are a little bent. This is also my “I’m at the gym and unshowered” look, so you are forewarned!

Chin up and over the bar!  WooHoo!  My baby chin up!  I’ll make a better video in a few months when I can do 3 in a row with a full hanging grip 😉

I am not sure how to stop the swinging, as that is really, really tiring on the arms to try to stop.  That’s why I can’t quite do 2 chin ups.

Rest of workout:

  • Barbell squats:  3 sets of 8 at 85 pounds
  • 1-arm dumbbell snatch:  3 sets of 8 at 20 pounds
  • Reverse lunge with forward reach:  3 sets of 8 at 10 pounds
  • Back extension (on machine):  3 sets of 8 at 100 pounds
  • 1-point dumbbell row:  3 sets of 8 with 20 pound dumbbells

Then it was some treadmill walking.  John had started walking to the gym and I picked him up partway and we went off to breakfast.  As you know, Wednesdays are one of the bagel days, but apparently one of the cafe workers hadn’t show up, so the other person was unable to go pick up bagels!  They were out!  It was okay, though – I had this instead:


Oatmeal with nana and raisins (go iron!!) and brown sugar. It was quite tasty, although not my bagel.

Regarding Pixie’s foray into the catnip – here she is in hangover mode:


She has absolutely no shame……

Lunch today was quick with yogurt, protein powder, strawberries, and cranapple granola:


Ornament of the day:


As you know, we are big Broncos fans.  We used to live in Colorado and were there at the time of John Elway’s first superbowl win!  It was pretty exciting.  I got this as a stocking stuffer for John one year. It’s always a little weird to see dated ornaments.  Makes you realize how time flies by.

No accidental vegetarian day today, as I remembered to thaw out some chicken 😀  Had a waffle sammie with it!  Yummers.  Plus sauteed brussel sprouts.  I am beginning to actually love brussel sprouts.  What is wrong with me??


I need to look into some indoor camera lighting since all dinner pictures are now at night!  Love that appetizing yellow hue….

So, I have been working an extra hour a day starting this week.  The nice thing about working based on productivity is that you determine how much you make per hour.  I use word expander software, so I have increased my productivity enough that I finish a normal 8-hour line requirement in 6.5 hours.  So, I was just doing other things.  I have decided to work an extra hour each day and do more lines to make more a little more money.  My company does not consider that over time, unfortunately.  They just appreciate it LOL!  So, I guess that is me being more efficient and productive for one of my goals this year.

Snacky snack:


Gingersnaps!  Okay, multiply this picture times 3 😳   Good thing they are gone now.

Question:  What is your favorite cookie?

23 thoughts on “It’s bagel day (or not!) and chin up video

  1. Cindy

    Hi Lori.
    My name is Cindy and I clicked over here from Mama’s weeds.

    I always love to find “my agers” who are into health and fitness!

    Oh I so do not love chin ups…nice job! and your sweet kitty got a little over dose of cat nip!
    too funny!
    I’m off to read more!
    Nice to meet you!
    .-= Cindy´s last blog ..A New Recipe Tool =-.

  2. Kimberley

    I told you you are a power house! Way to go on the chin ups! That looked like two to me.

    Your cat looks hilarious! Apparently people aren’t the only ones who will overindulge.

    I have a strange urge to buy pumpkin and mix it in with my granola. I also have to pick up the ingredients for the pancake recipe you gave me.

    I think I am almost over eating like a complete lunatic. I think the end is near.
    .-= Kimberley´s last blog .."Hot" 100 Update =-.

  3. runnin4fun

    Wow-I’m impressed. Chin ups are hard! I love your cat photo too!too cute!Sad,but I love those little Pilsbury sugar cookies that come out during the holidays with little pictures on them-they are sooo good.I can easily eat a whole cookie sheet of them warm out of the oven. Obviously,I don’t buy them very often..

  4. Dawn

    I couldn’t stop smiling at your chin-ups. I just wrote down my new 3 week routine tonight and I will be giving chin-ups a try too. I just don’t think I will be doing them as well as you. I’m also so self conscious at the gym and my gym sure doesn’t look empty like yours. Don’t think I will be able to find a milk crate either *smile*. Loved the kitty picture, Pixie is just a rebel lol.
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..TOPS tonight =-.

  5. Ishmael

    Chin ups! You are awesome! I was once on an assignment that had me talking with Dr. Oz of Oprah fame. We were in a gym and he saw a guy doing a chin up and he commented that it’s a true sign of fitness and good health when someone can do that. Way to go Lori! I’m really impressed, and as always, completely inspired! Cheers, Ish
    .-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Ow. Ow. Ow. =-.

  6. Shelley B

    Love your big grin and thumbs up when you finished the chin up! Nice work! And we have a chair to stand on at my gym – otherwise, I would expend all of my energy just jumping up to grab onto the bar!

    Love the Pixie pic! And I know what you mean about seeing dated ornaments – we even have one from the Christmas we were engaged (now that’s old!).

    Fav. cookie – Tollhouse. Avoiding them like the plague right now because I cannot eat just one or two – more like eight or ten!
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.

  7. Jody - Fit at 52

    Love those chins!!! I can do 2-3 now but still can’t do a wide grip pull-up.. but still trying!!!! I cross my legs or leave them hanging more straight & that helps me not swing…. they are tough, aren’t they!!!!

    Love the food pics as usual & those gingersnaps.. love them cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on all!

  8. Ang

    Terrific job on the chin up! I’ve never mastered a full one.

    My favorite cookie is probably this chocolate espresso one I made a few years back. Now that I can’t have gluten I will really miss so many cookies.
    .-= Ang´s last blog ..Thanksgiving preparations! =-.

  9. debby

    Chin-ups–YAY! I’m glad you mentioned the swinging because that looked terribly hard to me.

    Favorite cookie: chocolate chip, really good ones. Do not keep them around. Period. But do have them occasionally when I am out and near a really good bakery or restaurant that has one. Shoot, I really like all kinds of cookies. My favorite at Christmastime is Russian teacakes–those shortbready things with walnuts and rolled in powdered sugar. I am contemplating making one batch to put in freezer, and give half away.

    Hey I had an eggnog latte yesterday at work–had a free coffee for filling up my card. Most excellent. And I used your suggestion of making it half skim. Very rich, couldn’t imagine it full strength.
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Flashback…or Motivation =-.

  10. ptg1002

    WOOTWOOT for your chin-up — that’s fantastic!!!

    Love cookies. L.O.V.E. them. They’re definitely one of my “I can’t stop with just one or two” foods. My favorite though has GOT to be chocolate chip. Homemade, slightly warm. Absolutely scrumptious.
    .-= ptg1002´s last blog ..thought for the day =-.

  11. Chrysta

    hahahah..that cat pic cracked me up! Poor kitty=) My favorite cookie is oatmeal cookies by far! But a close second is a tie between peanut butter chocolate chip and snickerdoodles!

  12. Jody - Fit at 52

    OK, I forgot to answer the cookie question.. I am a cookie fiend & that is my go to treat! I love this season because ginger/molasses cookies are my favs!!! But off season, I love oatmeal raisin & snickerdoodle! OH, I did fine an orange cream one from Borders this past summer.. tastes just like a creamsicle or 50/50 bar!!!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Hope, Courage, Faith; Can You Vote fo Me =-.

  13. Jane

    I love all cookies, really. I’m trying to decide what to do about holiday baking this year. I want to be able to give some tins as gifts, but that usually means I make seven or eight different kinds (at least, sometimes I get carried away), and I don’t really want that much temptation. My favorite is a pecan slice. Just a small piece of heaven.
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..I’m Doing Good Things! =-.

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