John made goal!!!!

John officially made his goal weight today! He lost a total of 43 pounds since January 1, 2009.

He did it the old fashioned way with diet and exercise!

Check out that happy goal smile this morning.  Pre-coffee, even!  😆






Who is that sexy running man?  Why, it’s my husband!!


Us being athletic together (you know I have to get in this post somehow)


Way to go John!  I am so proud of you!

I think I need a guest post soon……..

34 thoughts on “John made goal!!!!

  1. John

    Thanks for all the nice comments. You were the main inspiration, Lori! You joked that I would get there first and I didn’t believe it. Now to buy some clothes that actually fit me. Nice for me to succeed at something for a change!

  2. Diane Fit to the Finish

    I can’t wait to show your John’s pictures to my John! He’s struggled for years and calls himself a “Fit to the Finish failure” I tell him that’s crazy, but I know he wants to get more fit!

    Please tell your hubby congratulations from me!!!!
    .-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..The Hunger Excuse =-.

  3. Susan

    Eeee!!! Congrats!!! I am so happy you guys are slowly replacing old photos with new ones of you two looking athletic and happy together, you are both totally awesome and inspiring 😀
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Mo Money Mo Problems =-.

  4. 266

    It’s so wonderful that you have both been so supportive of each others weight loss efforts! A hearty congratulations to your darling hubby for reaching his goal! Way to go, John!!!
    .-= 266´s last blog ..Day 100 =-.

  5. Lori's Mom

    Yay, John!! Congratulations on reaching your goal! You look fit, fabulous and happy! I am very proud of you.

  6. MB

    Congratulations to John for reaching goal. You guys make a great couple. You both look so fit and happy! I’m looking forward to reading John’s guest post. Have a great weekend!

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