I love steel cut oats, but I don’t want to wait the 30 minutes it takes to cook them. I also don’t like cooking up a big batch and then reheating later, because they are too gummy to me that way.
So, I was looking at the McCann’s site and used one of their tips. Last night, I put 1 serving of the steel cut oats into a container and added 1 cup of water, put the lid on, and stuck it in the fridge. They recommended cooking for a minute before doing this, but I didn’t bother.
This morning after I got back from the gym, I dumped the container into a small saucepan and brought it to a boil, added my spices and a tsp of brown suger,and cooked for 9-10 minutes. The result?
(Yes, the pecans are overtoasted)
Creamy and chewy, just like steel cut oats are supposed to be! I’m excited! Okay, I know it’s lame to get excited about oats, but I am Just a few more minutes to cook than regular rolled oats, totally worth it!
For this bowl, I mixed in 1/2 a cup of canned pumpkin at the end of cooking and topped with cranberry sauce and pecans.
You could do this for more than one serving, too.
I’ve never tried the steel cut oats, but I hear they are great! Several people I know cook them in a crock pot for a really, really long time!
I think your pecans look just right.
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..No New Clothes =-.
Lori, I seriously just squealed a little!! Thank you for sharing this!! I LOVE steel cut oats, and have a giant bag of them in my cupboard. But I’m just not cooking them because, well, I don’t really think of it or feel like it the night before (and as if I’m waiting 30 min. in the morning to eat
). I’m totally trying this out tonight 
.-= Susan´s last blog ..It’s Sunday… Check-In Time! =-.
I buy the McCann’s quick and easy steel cut oatmeal which I cook in the microwave. It says for 5 mins but I only have to cook it for 3 and it’s yummy. I buy it on amazon in boxes of 6 and it lasts me a long time. I’ve never had the other kinds that McCann’s sells I wonder if what you’re eating is a lot different from what I eat, hmmmm.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Took a Me Day =-.
They are very different. The old fashioned steel cut oats take at least 30 minutes to cook and are chewy and wonderful! I have the McCann quick cooking ones, too and they are much like rolled oats. Still good
I will have to try those!! Thanks for sharing
.-= Staci´s last blog ..People Noticing Changes =-.
I love your posts on oatmeal and have been inspired to try many of your delicious creations—thank you!
Your posts have also sparked my creativity and I have one to share: Cooked oatmeal with a tablespoon of Ginger Jam (I use ginger spread from the Ginger People) with a splash of Eggnog. Delish.
Eggnog on oats… hmmm…. think I am going to be trying that!
I’ve never had steel cut oats but I should really give them a try!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Measurements =-.
Gonna have to try this! YUM!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Workout Tips; Bday Update =-.
I may have to suggest this to my husband!
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Trailing Behind =-.
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