Packed a lot into today! I tried to sleep in a little later and managed to sleep until about 7, which was good. I needed to wait until it was light enough outside to bike to the gym. Temps were upper 40s this morning, so definitely doable.
NROLW Stage 6 A: last workout!
- Negative chinups: 3 sets of 1
- Wide grip lat pulldown with slow release: 1o sets of 2 at 70 pounds
- Barbell split squats: 3 sets of 6 at 70 pounds
- Pushups: 3 sets of 6 with feet elevated.
I was encouraged on the chinups today. The first one I hopped up to the bar and held myself up for quite a while, much longer than when I first started. The other 2 were the usual length. I think given a few months, I could progress to actual chinups.
John met me at the gym and we biked 5 miles to Maude’s Kitchen for my football meal!
This place is cute as a button inside! It’s like from the 50s:
The breakfast menu is made up of dishes that Maude’s children loved. I think she had something like 9 kids. I got the biggest kick out of this one:
I had an omelet with home fries, and John had oatmeal with a side of ham and toast. Switcheroo for us!
A most excellent breakfast and I could watch them cook it at the griddle, so it was all fresh! This spread for the 2 of us was $13. Can’t beat that! I was so hungry after the workout and bike ride and ate all but about 1/2 the potatoes.
Pink item of the day at our table:
Pumpkin shopping time at the garden center after I got home (and showered )
They also had Christmas lawn stuff out for sale. Looks like the reindeer got into Santa’s eggnog again:
I spent about 5 minutes giggling over this outside.
Lunch was pretty delayed and just a Zone bar because of the big breakfast. I so have Maude’s on my list to revisit. I spent a good deal of time picking out my pumpkin pattern and contemplating a new career in dentistry
I used a pattern for a scary clown:
John did a free form, sort of alien thing:
Dinner was almost pizza, but then we decided we could cook up shrimp and grits really quickly and it was delicious!
We just sauteed a bit of lean bacon with some chopped onion, sprinkled flour over it and some vegetable broth, then added the shrimp. Served over grits. Yum!
We are running a 5K tomorrow on Halloween! Provided it isn’t pouring rain, but weather looks okay for now. I am going to try to dress as a bee using yellow duct tape over a black outfit. I have the antennae made with a headband (which Pixie found to be quite fascinating). It should be interesting at any rate.
Question: Do you have your pumpkins carved before Halloween?
The pumpkins look awesome!! We are going to carve ours tomorrow. I have the little carving kit and it will be my first attempt doing more than just triangle eyes. It will also be my first time carving with two toddlers….so who knows what things will look like.
Can’t wait to see pix of your 5k outfit! Have fun!
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Peace & Quiet =-.
Your pumpkin looks freakin’ awesome – I am so jealous that you can carve that so well! I don’t carve pumpkins at all. Hubs tried to this year, which worked pretty well, but he got confused with etching v. carving so it turned out rather…er…interesting. ;o)
I’m also doing a race tomorrow – a 15K in downtown along the Lakefront. I’m definitely starting to get nervous now!!
.-= PTG1002´s last blog!!! =-.
Wow – 15K! You rock!
Great job on those pumpkins! I love grits!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..My day in pictures =-.
Always did pumpkins when daughter was little. Not now though. I cleaned out the pumpking, she drew the face and hubby cut it out.
I think you guys did a GREAT job! Johns free form turned out awesome. Clowns with big scary teeth give me the heebie jeebies!
Love the looks of that breakfast! “Homestyle” type breakfasts are one of my faves, and always super cheap, which is awesome
I unfortunately live on a dead-end road surrounded by university housing, so I won’t be getting any trick-or-treaters. My entrance is actually in the back, so no one would even see my pumpkin!
Good luck today!!! You better take pictures of you in that costume!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Flashback Friday – Food Blogger Edition =-.
Your bee idea is great. I would never have thought of using yellow duct tape. He, he.
Your pumpkins are great too. There are absolutely no pumpkins left here in town to buy and I promised my DD that we would actually get one this year. Plus, there is not complaint here about having the pumpkin seeds!! I may have to make a trip to the city today (though I really don’t want too) so I will have to pick up one there I guess. Such is life!
.-= Karyn´s last blog ..Extremely exhausted and a sore arm. =-.
Your Halloween pumpkins look great!
How did the 5K go?
We’re not celebrating Halloween so I won’t have to face all the candy that’s included. Hope you have a great Halloween day.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Friday October 30 2009 =-.
Oh I can’t wait to see photos of you running as a bee! BTW, what did you have in that omelet? I loved that menu. I used to be a Diane…b’fast was coffee and a smoke a LONG time ago. Happy Halloween, my friend!
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..The Joy Fit Club = Me in New York on the Today Show =-.
You have a wonderful, fun sense of humour, Lori.
.-= Fitcetera´s last blog ..EEK! =-.