I wanted to talk a little bit about my food philosophy now. I do blog about food a lot and thought I would share what drives what I eat and how I view it.
1. First and foremost, I have to like the food I am eating and that food has to be good. If I were to have to eat dry toast, plain egg whites, lettuce and sugar free jello, I just would not be happy. (Not knocking anyone who loves these, it’s just not me). Yes, the scale would probably plummet down, but I would be miserable. I figure if the food I eat is satisfying to my taste buds, it will be satisfying to my mind. That means if I want a cookie, it’s the best *one* I can find, not a whole sleeve of Oreos to try to satisfy a craving. You really only get so much food in a day, so make it worth eating.
2. I don’t consider anything off-limits. Now, that doesn’t mean that I am going to eat a pound of chocolate a day or dive face first into cookies (although that has happened before), but I never tell myself that I cannot have something ever again. That is a sure-fire way to send me on a binge of said item. What I do is to give foods a nutrient cost, so to speak. More fat/calories gives the food a higher cost. So if you think of your daily foods as a bank balance, if you have a higher weight item, then the other items need to be of a lower cost (ie lean proteins, fruits, veggies, etc) to balance out. I think this way over a longer period as well. So, if I know we are going out for dinner one night, that means I need to rein it in a little bit a couple of days prior. This eliminates the guilt factor. This reason is why you see me eat bagels a couple times a week. I love them, I plan for them, I enjoy them. Yes, this requires thinking about food, but mindless eating got me up to 250 pounds.
3. I know where my food comes from. I am not a vegetarian, and am really not interested in becoming one (although I had thought about it for a while). However, I do care how the meat I consume is processed and raised. So, we purchase our meat locally from small farmers. We are pretty lucky that we are able to do this here and have a wide variety of products to choose from. It does make eating out a little difficult at times, but we do try to stick to those principles. There are other things we try to get locally, or at least make sure it is from the US. It’s apple time, but interestingly enough – a lot of apples in our store (Pink Ladies) come from New Zealand. ???? So we do a lot of label reading, even on produce.
4. Never feel guilty about eating. Ever. Foods are not inherently good or bad. Food does not have morals. It doesn’t judge you on how much you eat of it. We do that all by ourselves. I have those days where I eat more than I should of those costly nutrient foods, but you know what? There is always the next meal to be back on track again. I think it is worse to beat yourself up about it because then it makes what you ate not worth it (see #1), which compounds the problem.
Following these guidelines for me has helped me keep off over 100 pounds for more than a year and still enjoy food, because it really is worth enjoying!
I don’t know if you need to have a personal philosophy about food, but it really wouldn’t hurt you to take a hard look at why you eat what you do.
Great list Lori!!!
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Weigh-in Wednesday =-.
I love your food philosophy, I’ve noticed that I have mostly the same ideas about food as you do. Most important is that I have to like what I eat, otherwise I will snack afterwards because my meal didn’t taste good. And that means that my dinners aren’t always low calorie but I am enjoying them and that’s the most important.
I totally love the autumn pics from your other post.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..Weight Challenge week 41 =-.
This sounds very similar to my own philosophy! It’s important to eat what you want, but to keep health in mind – while at the same time not being obsessive.
.-= Maggie´s last blog ..Branching out – new breakfasts, ramen, popcorn, and meal planning! =-.
I think this is an excellent post, Lori! Very nicely thought out and concise explanation of what works for you. Thanks for this thought-provoking piece!
.-= 266´s last blog ..The Bloom Is Off The Rose =-.
I love what you said, especially in #4.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..The Best Laid Plans… =-.
I have also found it interesting about the apples. I have found all of my favorite apples grown in New Zealand or Chili on occassion.
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Banish the Snooze Button! =-.
This sounds a lot like my philosophy too! I will never 100% give up something I love, I just have to work around it! Very sane approach! Great post!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger =-.
Love it! 1 & 2 sound just like me. I’m starting to pay more attention to #3 and I’m working hard on #4. As you know the emotional side of food it a tough one for me these days.
.-= Barb´s last blog ..Why? =-.
I agree with many of these things!!! To be honest, I just try to eat foods that make me feel GOOD. Not because they’re “healthy” either. I have a lot of food intolerances and digestive issues. Since changing my diet I’ve gone from one stomach episode a week, to maybe one every 4 months. For me, it’s all about choosing foods that work best with my body 🙂 (and yes, that includes chocolate!)
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Flashback Friday – Costumes! =-.
Well of course, Lori, you know I agree with you and have essentially the same philosophy. I think you are a little ahead of me in at least one respect. I am allowing myself to eat out a little more often, but I have trouble cutting back for a couple of days in advance to make up for it. I hope I can get to this point eventually. And I still struggle a bit too often with feelings of guilt and/or despair for less than stellar choices.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Indecisive =-.